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杜邦1802年在左近建了一个火药厂。Du Pont established a powder mill nearby in 1802.

或者“如果去伦敦,一定要去‘伦敦塔桥’餐厅尝尝,因为比尔·克林顿喜欢那。”Or “Check out Le Pont de la Tour in London. Bill Clinton loves it.

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她死于巴黎阿勒玛桥隧道上的一场车祸。She died from a car accident in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris.

暑往春来,物换星移,时光把蓬中带入新世纪。Spring to summer, things changed, the pont in time into the new century.

朱莉娅和她的朋友们非常憎恨所谓的“庞特街”。Julia and her friends had a fascinated abhorrence of what they called "pont street".

为什么杜邦可以蔑视践踏法律,那些小商贩就必须“有法必依”呢?Why could Du Pont distain and trample the law, but venders have to observe all laws?

从他当时所在的地方看往,可以看见奥斯特里茨桥的整个桥身。From the point where he stood he could see the whole extent of the Pont d'Austerlitz.

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当我们来到亚历山大三世桥时,出租车放慢了速度,因为前面亮着红灯。As we came to the Pont Alexandre III, the taxi slowed down, for the traffic light was red.

耶拿桥稀少的行人,在走远之前,回头看一下景色中。The rare passers-by on the Pont de Jena turned their heads, before they pursued their way.

7月8日一位行人撑着遮阳伞行走在巴黎的蓬德艺术桥上。A pedestrian shelters from the sun under an umbrella on the Pont des Arts bridge on July 8.

该桥塔架高达282英尺,是欧洲最高的升降桥。With pylons that stand 282 feet tall, the Pont Gustave-Flaubert is Europe's tallest lift bridge.

加德桥是一个长达半英里的大型输水渠道,大约在两千年前建造而成。The Pont du Gard is a huge aqueduct half a mile long that was built nearly two thousand years ago.

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杜邦公司设立了50多个企业,并且把它们组成了14个事业部。Du Pont comprised more than 50 businesses which were organized into 14 largely autonomous departments.

在一处可以眺望多维尔山谷的地方,我们撕开最后一根法式面包,又到彭雷维克填饱了肚子。In a field overlooking the Touques valley, we ripped up our last baguette and filled it with Pont l'Evêque.

五年前,也就是1906年,居里夫人的丈夫在巴黎的九桥被马车压过至死。Five years earlier, in 1906, Madame Curie’s husband was run over and killed by a horse drawn carriage near the Pont Neuf in Paris.

杜邦分析法是利用各主要财务比率的内在联系建立起来的一套财务分析指标体系。Du Pont analysis law is to make use of a set of financial analysis index system that every main financial ratios inner link builds.

法是利用各主要财务比率的内在联系建立起来的一套财务分析指标体系。Du Pont analysis l aw is tom ake use of a set of fin anci al analysis index system th at every main fin anci al ratios inner link builds.

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除了有三个是杜邦公司的成员,在最近福布斯排行榜上400位中,只有43位是继承遗产上榜。Besides the three Du Pont entries, only 43 of the 400 entries on the most recent Forbes list represent people who got there through inheritance.

来到杜加桥客栈面前,那匹马停了下来,但究竟是它自己要停的还是骑马的人要停的却很难说。Having arrived before the Pont du Gard, the horse stopped, but whether for his own pleasure or that of his rider would have been difficult to say.

在影带中,梅斯尼握著他的长竿奔跑,宛如准备在蒙马特、横跨塞纳河的艺术桥等观光景点撑竿跳。In his video, Mesnil runs with his pole as if preparing for a vault at tourist spots like Montmartre and the Pont des Arts across the River Seine.