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不要使用内部隐语。Don't use internal lingo.

要清楚食品声称中的隐语。Learn the lingo of food claims.

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你的行业有哪些行话?What’s the lingo in your industry?

从你的字典里除去“极度节食”的术语。Remove the “extreme diet” lingo from your vocabulary.

搜索者可以使用特定行业的通用术语或行话。Searchers may use industry-specific lingo or generic terms.

用婚姻心理学术语,这被称作‘第三方’。In the lingo of marital psychology, this is called triangulation.

你也许会因它们而惊讶,不管是你知道还是不知道的性行话。You might be surprised by what sexual lingo you do and don’t know.

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寻找那些草率的迹象,比如使用短信行话或者拼写错误。Watch for signs of sloppiness, such as texting lingo or spelling errors.

与其它亚文化群一样,嬉皮文化也形成了一套自己的时尚与语言风格。Like all other sub-cultures, hippies developed their own fashion and lingo.

他想成为一家软件公司的项目经理,不过却不懂这一行业的术语。He wanted to become a project manager at a software company, but didn't know the lingo.

与其他人交谈也会帮助你锻炼敏锐的语言能力,并善用术语。Talking with others also helps to keep your verbal skills sharp, and into the regular lingo.

在报刊或网上研究其它行业,在构建圈子时了解一些行话。Research other industries in newspapers and online to become familiar with the lingo as you network.

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不用说,以美国意大利黑手党为题材的电影充斥着黑手党的行话。Needless to say, movies that depict the Italian mafia in the U. S. A. are choc-a-bloc with mafia lingo.

甚至青少年中常常也有自己的隐语或行话,性工作者、吸毒者以及其他高危人群中照样如此。Even adolescents often have their own lingo , as do sex workers, drug users and many other groups at risk.

俱乐部意识到兰帕德学习当地语言有一年多了,他的妻子还是来自巴塞罗那。The club are aware that Lampard, whose partner Elen Rives is from Barcelona, has been learning the lingo for over a year.

DTRA使用军方计画人员的术语和模型建构技术,设计了两个主要状况,两者的时间都设定在2010年。Using the lingo and modeling techniques of military planners, the DTRA group tackled two primary scenarios, both set in 2010.

奥运会早已过去,但是没有原因阻止使用运动术语描述在京发生的每一件事情!The Olympics are long over, but it's no reason to stop using sports lingo to describe everything that happens here in the 'Jing!

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以总逆向物流成本最小为目标,兼顾各客户群的产品回收便利性,建立了0-1混合整数规划模型,实现逆向物流网络的选址/分配问题。To solve the above problems, this paper on the LINGO language and 0-1 mixed integer programming model for re-location combination.

1975年,我搬迁至美墨边境地带历史悠久的大牧场群落之一,开始听到牛仔土话。I began listening to cowboy lingo after I moved to one of the great old ranching communities of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands in 1975.

以会员的最大满意度为目标函数,建立一个整数规划模型,得到问题的分配方案,并计算出前30位会员的分配结果。The optimal solution of this integer programming model is derived by Lingo 5.0. And the distribution scheme of the first 30 clients is given.