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打开比色皿槽和拿走比色皿。Unlock the cell holder and remove the cuvette.

可有带有试管的血色素测量机构或卡。There may be a hemoglobin measurement mechanism or card with a cuvette.

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把有盖的比色皿置于比色槽中,把黑色的操作杆拉下把它锁住。Place the capped cuvette in the holder and push the black lever down to lock it.

读取存储的数据时,就让一个低能红色激光器通过试管一片一片地发光。To read the stored data, a low-powered red laser is shone slice by slice through the cuvette.

本发明涉及自动分析装置的反应容器及其表面处理法。The invention relates to reaction cuvette for automatic analyzer and method of surface treatment for reaction cuvette.

这种简便的、菜单指导操作和自动电池探测和测定确保了检测的可靠度。The simple, menu-guided operation, along with the automatic cuvette detection and measurement, guarantees reliable results.

为了用蛋白质做存储器,伯奇博士把用蛋白质研制成的元素悬浮在一个透明塑料试管中。To make a memory from the protein, Dr Birge suspends elements made from it in a transparent plastic cube known as a cuvette.

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本装置是一种改进型的比色池,可作为荧光计的标准配件。The principles and construction of the device are described. The device is actually an improved type of colour comparison cuvette.

放置在试管后面的机器可检测吸收图形,并把它转换成适当的一列含有“1”和“0”的数字。A machine placed behind the cuvette detects this absorption pattern and translates it into the appropriate string of ones and zeroes.

一对事先调整到一个合适角度的激光器通过塑料矩阵轮流在“切片”上闪烁,这样就把数据写入试管。A pair of lasers arranged at right angles to one another write data into the cuvette by shining in turn on "slices" through the plastic matrix.

试验对影响草莓脱毒试管苗玻璃化的培养基成分和浓度以及培养条件等因素进行了探讨研究。This paper studied the effect of component, concentration and cultivation condition of culture medium on strawberry virus-free cuvette plantlet.

世界卫生组织非洲地区事务办公室派出的西非地区流行病控制工作队已抵达刚果西盆地地区。The WHO Regional Office for Africa dispatched the West Africa sub-regional epidemic response team which has arrived in the Cuvette Ouest Département.

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当其中的内容读入一个更常规的存贮设备后,通过蓝色激光器的闪烁就可使试管清零复位。Once the contents have been read into a more conventional storage device, the cuvette can be wiped clean and reset by illuminating it with a blue laser.

1999年开始研制钛合金流动比色杯,2003年批量生产,随后开发出多种钛合金比色杯产品,获两项中国专利。Ti-alloy flow cuvette was developed around 1999, which gone into batch process in 2003, after then several kinds of cuvette were designed and put on market.

控制系统除了实现对仪器的时序控制、监控其运行状态外,还要对当前反应杯的多路模拟信号进行实时数据采集。The control system not only realizes the scheduling control and detects the status of instrument, but also collects data of many analog signals of current cuvette.

这些盖子可以安全地密封我们的通用试管,即使试管跌落或倾倒过来,其中的样品也不会流出。Available in 100-unit quantities, these covers fit securely into the disposable cuvette to provide a seal that protects against sample spillage if the cuvette is dropped or tipped over.