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用所给字母或字母组合写单词。III. Think and write the words.

英王理查三世是个魔鬼。King Richard III was a monster.

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现在开始写作文吧。III. Now start your own writing.

什麽是终生学习者?III. What is a lifelong learner?

微观世界也是平衡的。III. The microcosmos is balanced, too.

好的论文是什么样子的?III. What does a good essay look like?

第三部分,家训与店规。Part III Advice of family and rule of ship.

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“旭日”是爱德华三世的徽章。The Rising Sun was the badge of Edward III.

新保守主义与死亡邪恶轴心III. Neoconservatism and the Axis of Evil Dead

创建一个以上的服务器上的每一个测试!III. Create a Test for each of above on server!

把下面的问句和答语搭配起来。III. Match the questions and the answers below.

再次,分析了壬辰战争对日本的影响。Part III analyzes the war on the impact of Japan.

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组不行控制性降压。No controlled-hypotension for group III was geven.

星舰「企业号C」在「内仁爪三号」被摧毁。Starship Enterprise-C is destroyed at Narendra III.

第三章阿垅新诗创作对其诗论的体现。Chapter III A Long Poem Writing Poetry reflects its.

一天我顺道去看她,发现她病得很重。One day I dropped in on her and found her badly iii.

转喻在文学中的传统存在形态。III. the traditional forms of metonymy in literature.

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华盛顿若少了英皇,III,世,又会是如何?What would Washington have been ? without George III?

救恩乃是要把我们从这种束缚中释放。III. Salvation-Yasha- is to relieve such constriction.

你若给我一生一世,我会还你三生三世。If you give me whole life, I will give you Sansei III.