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第一种是手动均衡化。The first is manual equalization.

首先,对图像进行直方图均衡化处理。First, the image histogram equalization of treatment.

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车轮轮廓和车厢平衡的必要安全限制Necessary safety limits for wheel profile and truck equalization.

探讨了一种改进的直方图均衡化方法。An image equalization method modified with bit-rig ht is discussed.

研制了一只三单体直接均衡模块。In this paper, a three-unit direct equalization had been developed.

自适应均衡可以校正信道产生的畸变。The aberration can be emended by adaptive equalization technologies.

您可以在您的模型中执行任意多次的平均化过程。You can perform as many equalization events as you wish to in your model.

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这个解决方案应该是竞争规则的一个均衡。The solution should rather be an equalization of the rules of competition.

要素价格均等化定理是国际贸易理论中的重要定理。"Equalization of Factor prices"theorem is a significant one of world trade.

CMA-DFE盲均衡算法在时变信道中有着广泛的应用。CMA-DFE blind equalization algorithm is widely used in time-varying channel.

给出了一个改进的直方图均衡化图象增强算法。This paper develops an image enhancement algorithm of histogram equalization.

孙科的“平均地权”政策是否坚持不变呢?Did Sun Fo consistently maintain his policy of "equalization of landownership "?

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本文对于通信信道提出了一种新的盲均衡准则。A novel criterion of blind equalization is introduced for communication channels.

针对这种情况,提出了一种简单的频域均衡方法。A simple frequency-domain equalization technique is proposed to tackle this problem.

图26显示了小格栅和水流均衡的组合状况。Such a combination of fine screening and flow equalization is shown in Figure No. 26.

该方法明显优于经典的同态增晰法和直方图均衡化。The method is better than traditional homomorphic filtering and histogram equalization.

等化技术与通道编码是对抗多路径干扰常见方式。Equalization and channel coding are familiar approaches to combat the multi-path effect.

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在今后几年中,第二步将是企业所得税及个人所得税的均衡化。Equalization of corporate and personal income tax may be another step in the years to come.

均衡水流区连接着生物模块进水箱的最低点。The flow equalization zone is connected to the lowest point of the Bio-Module feed chamber.

上面提到的信道损害可以在芯片上用均等化来减轻。Many of the channel impairments described above can be mitigated on-chip using equalization.