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我完全不知所措。I was perplexed.

儿子满眼不惑。Son eyeful perplexed.

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他面对进退两难的局面,不知如何是好。Faced with that dilemma, he was perplexed.

他的额头皱成一愁眉苦脸。His forehead knitted into a perplexed frown.

他的奇怪举止使她茫然不解。His strange behaviour perplexed her greatly.

他的奇怪行为弄得她莫明其妙。His strange behaviour had greatly perplexed her.

我被灵便双杂的别与年龄索引怅惘住了。I'm perplexed by the flexible complex index of and age.

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我声明要翻脸了,你得和我言归于好。What have I done to you? I declare that I am perplexed.

我弟弟他有温暖的轻笑,我总有令人不解的怒视。My kid brother got warm chuckles, I got perplexed glares.

阿根廷教练迪亚哥马拉多纳在开普敦赛场上充满无奈。Argentina's coach Diego Maradona is perplexed in Cape Town.

渊薮中的生活,让我越发困惑于美的定向。I become more and more perplexed in the direction of beauty.

我踌躇不前,不由感到一阵迷惑和惆怅。I hesitated to move ahead, feeling perplexed and melancholy.

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“他还跟我说话来着,”她又说,带着迷惑不解的神情。And he spoke to me,' she added, with a perplexed countenance.

其间,迈高万先生的笑容渐渐消失,脸上一副不知所措的忧郁样子。Meanwhile Mr. McGowan's smile faded to a look of perplexed gloom.

在听写一条消息的时候,这位困惑的男人写得只字不差。The perplexed man could write flawlessly when dictated a message.

我很是感动,虽然夏洛特为此有点不知所措。I was quite touched by this, though Charlotte was a bit perplexed.

我被敏捷庞杂的性别与年龄索引引诱住了。Inom perplexed by the flexible complex index of sex which includege.

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公牛醒来,无法可想,非常忧伤的不知所措。The Bull rising up, and not knowing what to do, was sadly perplexed.

但是问道他想找个什么样的时候,段边生看来有些困惑。But ask what kind of woman he seeks and Duan Biansheng looks perplexed.

如果你给中国人幸运饼,他们则会发愣。If you give fortune cookies to the Chinese, they are utterly perplexed.