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是什么造就了一名纵火犯?What makes an arsonist?

纵火犯才14岁。The arsonist was only 14.

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每个人都会认为我是个纵火犯。Everyone is gonna think I'm an arsonist.

没有一个人看到有一个黑客,一个断木机器和一个纵火犯在这儿。No one sees a hacker, a slasher and an arsonist here.

你确信你能鉴别出一个特定的纵火者?。You're pretty sure you can identify a single arsonist?

第二天,纵火犯在一家体育馆被逮捕了。The next day, the arsonist was arrested at a gymnasium.

纵火犯在两小时内就被警察抓住了。Within two hours the arsonist was taken up by the police.

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关于起火原因及纵火者,至今众说纷纭。Up till now opinions are divided as to the cause of the fire and who was the arsonist.

我们不应该付钱给纵火者去扑灭自己放的火,我们也不该付钱给搞垮自家银行的高管.We should not pay an arsonist to put out his own fire, and we should not be paying an executive to ruin his own bank.

在地球形成之初,其表面的残骸和大火山爆发等毁坏了所有关于生命的证据,如同纵火犯在作案后掩盖了作案的痕迹。During Earth's opening act, space debris and cataclysmic volcanic upheavals destroyed the evidence, like an arsonist torching his tracks.

他自2001年中风后即患上了抑郁症。The arsonist was identified asKim Dae-han, a 56-year-old former taxi driver who had suffered a strokein 2001 and had since suffered from depression.