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通过歌曲营造一些过年的气氛,引起学生对学习内容的兴趣。Give commands and ask a pupil to act them out by using realia.

教师应注重教案的多样化和使用各种教具协助教学。Teachers should focus on creative lesson plans that are diverse and use a wide range realia.

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本质量手册适用于汽车教具教学用品的设计、生产和服务的控制活动。This quality handbook is used for the control of designing, producing and service in motor realia.

公司主要开发、研制、生产汽车检测设备、教学设备等。Itisresearching, developing, manufacturing and marketing auto check and measure equipment and realia equipment.

该教具的制作在保证教学质量的同时,能最大限度地发挥教学效能。The fabrication of the realia not only ensures the quality of teaching, but maximizes the effectiveness of teaching.

介绍了新数学教具的开发设计理念和结构功能。This article introduces the exploitation design thoughts and the structure functions of the realia of the new mathematics system.

介绍了运用常规教具、学具做物理演示实验的教学经验,可供参考。This article introduces the teaching experience of using common realia and learning tools to do physics demonstration experiment.

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对农村中小学开展自制教具活动的意义,作用和方式方法进行较全面的研究和探索,介绍了成功的经验。This article researches the meanings, functions and methods of developing self-made realia action and introduces successful experience.

在每节课开始前,帮助外籍培训师准备课本、教具、印刷教材,设备和补充材料等。Assist Foreign Trainer in preparing lessons, realia , print materials, technology and supplemental materials prior to the start of each class.

制作欧姆表透射投影教具,可便于结合投影仪进行欧姆表测量原理的教学。Making transmission projection experimental realia of Ohmmeter is convenient for teaching Ohm-meter measurement principle with the aid of projector.