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曾梵志的当代性并没有使他拒斥过去。Zeng's contemporaneity does not lead him to reject the past.

这是一个具有时代性和战略性的重大决策。This is one has the contemporaneity and the strategic major decision.

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白色是新的现代案例的一种包装色。White is the colour that wrap in a new contemporaneity the whole case.

他的电影成为了时代性与人性合力的一个结果。His movie has become the contemporaneity and a human nature result with joint forces.

当代性必需与真理紧密关联才具有合法性。Contemporaneity must have a close connection to the truth in order to attain legitimacy.

第二章对当代中国工笔人物画的“时代性”进行详细分析。The second chapter carries on"the contemporaneity"of the Contemporary China exquisite brush portrait.

在两个定义中,岩石时间标志层是关键的,因为它代表着。In both definitions the lithologic-time marker is critical because it represents contemporaneity of deposition.

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类道德价值既有其存在的特殊性和时代性,也有其存在的普遍性和永恒性。Similar moral value exists for its particularity and contemporaneity as well as its universality and immutability.

这个不幸群体自古就存在,因为爱情和婚姻并不存在时代性。This unfortunate community existed since old times, because love and the marriage do not have the contemporaneity.

灯谜是一种中华传统汉字文化艺术,从它的诞生、发展来看,它具有鲜明的时代性、民俗性和艺术性。As a traditional culture of Chinese writing, the art of lantern riddles has its distinctive contemporaneity and folkways.

企业文化具有时代性、共识性、人文性和延续性的特征。The enterprise culture has the contemporaneity , the mutual recognition, the humanity and the continuous characteristics.

冯斌对中国画当代性的艺术探索,也贯彻到了他的教学活动之中。Feng Bin carries on his artistic exploration of the contemporaneity of Chinese Painting in his teaching activities as well.

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我将以一些艺术家和他们的作品为例,从而强调以上所论述过的现代性和当代性概念。I will give some examples of artist and their works to emphasize the notion of modernity and contemporaneity discussed above.

对个人及工商机构两者而言,计算机被视为现代的重要工具。For both personal and industrial and commercial establishments that computer is considered an important tool of contemporaneity.

科学发展观的生产力理论具有整体性、动态性、时代性等特征。The scientific development concept's productive forces theory has characteristics and so on integrity, dynamic, contemporaneity.

体现社会文化的当代性也无疑是水墨艺术家重要的关注点。Representing the contemporaneity of society and culture has, without doubt, become one of the major concerns of present-day ink artists.

记者所把握的另一块滨江豪宅地块,几乎与汤臣一品属于同一级别、同一时期,位置稍差。Another when reporter place masters bank Jiang Hao curtilage plot, taste with Shang Chen almost belong to same level, contemporaneity , the position is a bit poor.

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所以,高级的当代性,是对未知真理的触及和拓展、对僵硬成见的突破、对迷乱歧见的修正。Therefore, high-level contemporaneity consists of touching on and expanding into unknown truths, breaking through stubborn prejudices, and revising chaotic divergences.

所以,对现代性的追求或者说现代化,是中国话剧表演艺术形成和发展的根本动力。Therefore, the pursuit of contemporaneity or in other words, the modernization is the basic driving force for the birth and development of Chinese drama performing art.

该命题所指涉问题的现代性和当代性,在马克斯·韦伯、丹尼尔·贝尔这两位非马克思主义学者的相关论说中可得印证。The modernity and contemporaneity of these issues can be confirmed by some relevant arguments advanced by Max Weber and Daniel Bell, both of whom are non-Marxist scholars.