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爱护动物,珍惜生命。Love animals, cherish life.

花时间关爱吧,那是生命之喜悦。Cherish anima, do not be damage.

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珍惜生命,远离雷剧!Cherish life, stay away from it!

我会永远嘚珍惜伱!I will get to cherish you forever!

与我同惜,生活的奇迹。Cherish with me, the wonders of life.

后记请我们珍爱自己的生命!Postscript please we cherish own life!

达成目标,在于只争朝夕。Cherish every second to reach the goal.

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我珍惜并敬重生命中的每一天。I cherish and respect every living day.

珍惜宝贵生命,让我倾听分忧!Cherish your life. We're here to listen!

我虽爱买书,而对于书却不甚爱惜。I like buy books, but not cherish books.

生命就是希望,所以我们要珍爱生命.Life is hope, so we should cherish life.

请爱护沟内一草一木。Please cherish the plants in the valley.

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它们同样珍视自己的起源神话。They also cherish a tale of their origin.

我们深切怀念吴崇筠教授。We deeply cherish the memory of Prof. Wu.

你给我的这段情呢、我会好好悳珍惜。My darling, I will be hard to cherish you.

我们珍惜资源,我们爱惜人才。We treasure resources. We cherish talents.

珍惜平日里的一分一秒,有志者,事竟成。Cherish everyday minutes, aspirants, a way.

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珍惜才能拥有,感恩才能天长地久。Cherish to own, gratitude can last forever.

王道国土我家乡,吾人既爱且忆惜。Land of righteousness, we love and cherish.

力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。Li do not know hot, but cherish summer long.