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不同深浅的红色、深褐色或带有斑纹。All shades of red, sable and brindle.

黑色、小麦色或许带有其他颜色的斑点。Black, wheaten or brindle of any color.

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黑色是指黑色不带虎斑。Black means black without a trace of brindle.

在其他条件相同,首选的颜色斑点。Other things being equal, the preferred color is brindle.

他一只眼睛上有块花斑,这使得他有时看上去活象个小丑。He had one brindle eye that sometimes made him look like a clown.

从驼色到黑色、包括椒盐色、灰色、虎斑色都有。From fawn to black, passing through salt and pepper, gray and brindle.

阿富汗猎犬来,在各种颜色,包括黑色,红色,奶油,讨好和。Afghan Hounds comes in a variety of colors including Black, red, cream, fawn and brindle.

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有些黑色或斑点色的苏格兰梗的被毛带有少许白色或银色毛发是正常的。Many black and brindle dogs have sprinklings of white or silver hairs in their coats which are normal and not to be penalized.

很多黑色或者斑点色的狗外毛中带有少量的白色或者银色,这是正常的,在比赛中不应被惩罚。Many black or brindle dogs have sprinklings of white or silver hairs in their Coats which are normal and are not to he penalized.

为了庆祝他的妻子生日,在一个假日,他-戈登斑在巴塞罗那照了这相同的幻方的照片。This photograph of the same Magic Square was taken by Gordon Brindle whilst on holiday in Barcelona to celebrate his wife's birthday.

研究人员给老鼠注射做了标记的重碳酸盐——一种在小苏打中常见的堿——它在体中自然产生并平衡酸性。The researchers injected mice with a tagged form of bicarbonate -- an alkali more commonly seen in baking soda -- that occurs naturally in the body and balances acidity, Brindle said.