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当然,也有一些人嚷嚷着要修建跨海隧道。There was also a vociferous tunnel party.

第二股势力是一批气壮如牛的空军元帅。The second was a group of vociferous Air Marshales.

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其他的共和党人也同样在猛烈攻击奥巴马。Other Republicans have been equally vociferous in attacking Obama.

讽刺的是,作为这项新法规的最激烈的批评者之一,西谷也同意这一观点。Ironically, Nishitani, one of the more vociferous critics of the new law, agrees.

——大卫·莱特曼在这个玩笑之后得向严厉控诉他的莎拉·佩林道歉。David Letterman, in a crack he had to apologize for after Palin's vociferous complaints

此外,在黄金和其他贵金属领域他们也是佼佼者。Not surprisingly, all three have been vociferous champions of gold and other precious metals.

我们今天看到的是一个星期五祈祷后,被反卡扎菲的示威抗议,大声疾呼。What we saw today after Friday prayers was a vociferous protest by anti-Gaddafi demonstrators.

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而如果中国坚持大声宣称印度东北部地区是中国领土,双方关系也不可能出现多大进展。Nor will much progress be made while China persists with its vociferous claims on north-east Indian territory.

我一直是一个宣传食肉的人,但我从来没有亲眼目睹过一个将要被我吃的动物的结局。I have long been a vociferous carnivore, and yet I have never witnessed the end of an animal I am going to eat.

市况艰难时,国内散户投资者经常是呼吁政府干预的主要声音.Yet when markets flounder, local retail investors are often the most vociferous in seeking government intervention.

他们也拥有一群铁杆球迷,足以让任何踏上特富摩尔球场的客场球队如堕冰窟。They also have a home crowd who are vociferous enough to make Turf Moor an inhospitable place for any visiting side.

现在,他成为了反种族主义的积极的活动家,并且是国际足联关于种族主义“零妥协”政策的支持者。These days he's a vociferous campaigner against racism and supports FIFA's zero-tolerance policy on this global problem.

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萨塔一向以他激烈的言论出名,而他明显的毒舌作风也让他受封眼镜蛇王。Sata has a reputation for his vociferous criticism, and his apparently venomous tongue has led to him being labeled King Cobra.

大多数球队教练认为最好是现场球迷安静下来的方法就是早早确定领先优势。Most coaches believe the best way to quiet a vociferous crowd is to build an early lead which can dishearten and silence the fans.

以上种种都证实了假摔文化由来已久,格里夫斯和佐拉也许会很果断的反对假摔,斯坦也不会去支持。What all this goes to prove is that the diving culture is not a simple one. Greaves and Zola would be the most vociferous against it.

他们一个个受到喧闹的欢呼鼓掌的鼓励,怀着火焰和激情,打着激动的手势,回答了对他们的攻击。And one by one, encouraged by vociferous applause, speaking with fire and enthusiasm and excited gestures, they replied to the attack.

越来越多的用户强烈投诉某些新功能或设置侵害隐私。But Facebook users have pushed back, increasingly lobbing vociferous complaints that some new features or settings are privacy violations.

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曼联将会在节礼日前往斯托克城,面对他们的将会是狂热的球迷以及每球必争的对手。The Reds travel to the west midlands on Boxing Day, fully expecting to be faced by a vociferous crowd and a team scrapping for every ball.

看起来一席平凡的关于小兵史蒂维-杰拉德的即兴评论足以促使贝尼特斯大元帅吵吵嚷嚷着回击了。It would seem that a simple off the cuff remark regarding Ickle Stevie Gerrard has prompted Generalisimo Benitez to reply in a vociferous manner.

针对微软和整个专利软件行业最为刺耳的批评声把这场反盗版的讨伐行动描述为一场蛊惑人的盛大表演。The most vociferous critics of Microsoft and the overall proprietary software industry describe the anti-piracy crusade as a sophisticated dog-and-pony show.