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这个孩子是提早五周生下来的。The baby was five weeks premature.

阳光能导致未老先衰。The sun can cause premature ageing.

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但现在就庆祝似乎为时过早。But any celebration now appears premature.

女性早泄并非只是一种假说。Premature female orgasm isn’t just a theory.

我的感觉不过是半熟的顿悟。What I'm feeling is premature enlightenment.

□导致婴儿体重过低或者早产儿。Results in low-birth-weight, premature babies

预言结果还为时过早。It would be premature to forecast the outcome.

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早产婴儿放在保温箱里保育。Premature babies are kept alive in incubators.

早产儿可在恒温箱内保温。Premature babies can be warmed with incubators.

为什么中提琴独奏和早泄一样?Why is a viola solo like premature ejaculation?

武汉人将用早点,称为“过早”。Wuhan will use the earlier, called "premature."

但是对新业务的展望还为时过早了。But the expectation of new business is premature.

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他们可能会导致大麻烦——如过早衰老。They can lead to big trouble—like premature aging.

这场比赛因为雨势太大而提早结束。The game was brought to a premature end by heavy rain.

在弗洛伊德看来,问题就出在孩子过早断奶上面。And the problem for Freud is premature weaning of a child.

关于过早优化的危险,请参阅侧边栏。See the sidebar about the perils of premature optimization.

预防过早衰老,使您始终保持年轻肤质。Prevents signs of premature aging to preserve youthful skin.

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要记住,过早的优化往往是错误的根源。Remember that premature optimization is the root of all evil.

我以为现在会商代庖代理题目为时过早。I think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency.

一个男人受到过多刺激,早泄就会发生。Premature ejaculation happens when we men are over-stimulated.