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那是很令人失望的。It's very disappointing.

真让人失望。So it's very disappointing.

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这太令人失望了。Well this is disappointing.

多令人扫兴的消息!What disappointing news it is!

假期真让人败兴。Our holiday was so disappointing.

真是太令我失望了。And that was horribly disappointing to me.

但是,回报通常是令人失望的。But returns have usually been disappointing.

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可以说是扫兴而来满载而归。Can be said to be disappointing from fruitful.

这支球队经历了一个失败的令人失望的赛季。The team had a very disappointing winless season.

蒙若女士称这一举动令人失望。Ms Munro described the move as "very disappointing".

午餐往往是一件更令人失望的事情。Lunch tended to be an even more disappointing affair.

这部明星济济的电影其实很令人失望。The star-studded film is actually very disappointing.

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离岸开发的那一章有点让人失望。The chapter on offshore development was disappointing.

尽管有些让人失望,塔利斯也许是有道理的。Disappointing though this is, Tallis might have a point.

白宫在描述这个数字时称其令人“失望”。The White House described the figures as" disappointing".

但周四的失业率报告也令人失望。But Thursday's unemployment claims report was disappointing.

但却不知何故,他们总是令我们失望,一次次将我们对他们的希望破灭。But somehow they are forever disappointing our expectations.

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本周的行市必然有点令人失望。This week's performance must rate as somewhat disappointing.

如今,女性在争取同工同酬的战线上取得的进展令人失望,这还是往好里说。Today, women's progress on this front is disappointing at best.

因这种职位的招聘过程耗时很久,最终空手而归是很令人失望的。It is disappointing because it is such a long recruiting process.