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她奇怪地看着露丝。She looks at Ruthie strangely.

我的声音出奇的淡定。My voice sounded strangely calm.

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雅宝路现在出奇地安静。Yabao Road is now strangely quiet.

这真是一种奇怪的矛盾疗法。It was a strangely paradoxical treatment.

莫妮卡和瑞秋用奇怪的眼光看着菲比。Monica and Rachel look at Phoebe strangely.

我曾在SOHO工作过,很短暂但很奇妙。which I worked at briefly, strangely enough.

我发现看门的家伙怪怪的看着我。I noticed the bouncer looked at me strangely.

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有一天下午,科科开始行动反常。One afternoon,Cocoa started acting strangely.

在盐里面一定有些出奇地神圣的东西。There must be something strangely sacred in salt.

你可能注意到8行被奇怪地缩进了。You may notice that line 8 is indented strangely.

他们不只是美的,而且是奇怪的美。They're not just beautiful, but strangely beautiful.

他奇怪地问书法家这是什么原因。He asked, strangely enough, this is why calligrapher.

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不知为何我从此一直被这场梦弄得心绪不宁。I have been strangely annoyed by the dream ever since.

奇怪的是,这样的天气使得小屋愈发安逸舒适。Strangely enough, this makes the cottage seem even cosier.

偶然间心似缱,在六合彩太阳图库梅树边。Strangely my heart is drawn to the side of this plum tree.

这种塑料在极热或极冷情况下都会奇怪地起反应。This plastic behaves strangely under extreme heat or cold.

与这个优雅的捕猎者交谈轻松得有些奇怪。It was strangely easy to converse with this genteel hunter.

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奇怪得很,甘老先生却是喜欢他,信任他的。And, strangely enough, old Archibald admired and trusted him.

最奇怪的是,在很少喜欢他的人中,竟然有托马斯,杰弗森。Strangely enough, one of the few who did was Thomas Jefferson.

对小脑的怪袭是其特点之一。Raids to the cerebellum is one of strangely its characteristics.