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这个摄影棚并不隔音。The studio isn't soundproof.

隔音玻璃挡住了里边的动静。Soundproof glass muffled any noise, however.

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那些大而结实的隔音门到哪里去了?Whatever happened to a big, solid, soundproof door?

在某种程度上,你们是在一个隔音和隔绝的房间里。To some extent you are in a soundproof and isolated room.

这些包厢通常采用几乎能隔音的旧火车货柜。These boxes were usually old freight cars that were almost soundproof.

其中,奥迪A6高级轿车隔音垫由港德公司独家配套。This company is the exclusive supplier of the soundproof pad for Audi A6.

正如他们所预期的,在隔音箱里长大的鸟鸣唱出来的是粗腔横调。As expected, birds raised in soundproof boxes grew up to sing cacophonous songs.

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我想要写这篇文章,以教育人民认识隔音声学门。I wanted to write this article to educate people about soundproof acoustical doors.

一些受害者被关在隔音的卧室中,室内装上了煤气管道,他可以随时放毒气毒杀她们。Some were locked in soundproof bedrooms fitted with gas lines that let him gas them at any time.

因为新家在飞机场附近,我们需要买些隔音的玻璃来装修我们的新房。We need to buy soundproof glass to decorate our new houseswheresis located near the flight airport.

有些受害者被他锁在办公室附近的一座巨大的隔音银行金库里,她们被关在那里直到死去。Some victims were locked in a huge soundproof bank vault near his office, where they were left to die.

现代的住所,隔音的效果极差,假如伴侣在造爱的时候喊叫、大声说话。Contemporary abode, soundproof effect extreme difference, if the spouse is vociferant when making love, loud, talk.

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中空玻璃设计,隔音隔热,具有极佳的水密性和气密性,防风防水。Our insulating glass, soundproof and heat resistant, is good at water & air tightness and can proof water and wind.

一名学生自愿的独自坐在一间隔音的小房间看着电脑屏幕,等着移动的小圆点的出现。A student volunteer sits alone in a soundproof booth, watching a computer screen and waiting for moving dots to appear.

坐在隔音房里,瑞斯尼克医生已经给我戴上了合身的耳机。Over to the soundproof booth, where Dr.Resnick has me strap on some form-fitting headphones.The room is still and quiet.

中空玻璃设计,隔音隔热,具有极佳的水密性和气密性,防风防水。Our insulating glass, soundproof and heat resistant, performs well in water & air tightness and can proof water and wind.

冯景禧楼内的办公室已安装隔音玻璃窗,减少李达三楼重建工程的噪音影响。Soundproof windows were installed in the offices of the Fung King Hey Building next to the Li Dak Sum redevelopment site.

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我会在一个隔音的房间里面学习两个小时的长音、音阶、琶音的知识,也练习一些具体的歌曲片段。I'd go into a soundproof room for two hours of long-tones, scales, arpeggios, and practicing specific song phrases over and over.

在贝壳或杯子里流动的空气,也被认为是产生声音的可能因素之一,然而在隔音的房间里所做的实验已将这个可能推翻。Air flowing through the shell or cup has also been suggested as a possible cause, but experiments in soundproof rooms have disproved this.

有特异功能的间谍自己坐在隔音房间里,戴着耳机以屏蔽令人心烦的杂音,会导致意念状态的改变。The psychic spies induced an altered state of consciousness by seating themselves in a soundproof room and wearing earphones playing white noise.