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一分钟。One minute.

让我再享受一会儿。Gimme a minute.

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请想一分钟!Think a minute.

一分钟的休息。A minute of rest.

我转一圈可以吗?Can I take a minute?

给你一分钟。You have one minute.

我失陪一会儿!Excuse me for a minute.

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且慢--等一等。Hold on--wait a minute.

沉浸一分钟。Immerse for one minute.

我每一分钟都感到害怕。Every minute I'm afraid.

先坐下…真要命。Let's sit down a minute.

她停顿了一分钟。She pauses for a minute.

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只要花上几分钟,我们送您一身轻。If you only a few minute.

稍等一会儿,我就来。Just a minute. I'm coming.

请在这儿稍候片刻。Please wait a minute here.

真希望就在这分钟逃离。I wish to Dash this minute.

打搅您一下。May I trouble you a minute?

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我考虑要分秒必争。I think every minute counts.

请不要挂线,稍等一会儿。Please hold on for a minute.

对不起。我马上就回来。Scuse me. Won't be a minute.