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你是这里的外国住户?Are you a foreign tenement here?

在伦敦的东头,他站在一家阴暗的公寓门前。He stood in front of a gloomy tenement house.

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被写在了地铁和房屋大厅的墙上。Written on the subway walls and tenement halls.

他把车子开到公寓大楼,叩响伊格内斯的房门。He drove to the tenement and knocked on Igace's door.

写在房屋的大厅里,在寂静声中低语。And tenement halls, and whispered in the sound of silence.

摄影大师让他们在一排公寓房面前摆好姿势。The great photographer posed them in front of a row of tenement.

下东区房屋博物馆是纽约较小的一个博物馆。The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is one of the smaller museums in New York.

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旧唐楼是第二期灭蚊运动的重点目标。Old tenement buildings are targeted in phase two of the Anti-mosquito Campaign.

连大杂院里的水坑上也来了几个各色的蜻蜓。A few colourful dragon-flies even carne to flit over the puddles in the tenement yard.

在这杂院里,小孩的生与母亲的死已被大家习惯的并为一谈。In this tenement yard, having children and dying in childbirth were mentioned in the same breath.

这些居民的住所就是在工厂和屠宰场之间仓促修建起来的廉价公寓楼。The residents lived in hastily erected tenement buildings in between factories and slaughterhouses.

两名纽约市租屋处官员视察凌乱的地下室客厅,长约。Two officials of the New York City Tenement House Department inspect a cluttered basement living room, ca.

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然而,他没能遂愿,只能试图推销Packard卡车,住在纽约市曼哈顿岛西岸一个被称为“地狱厨房”的贫民区一间肮脏的廉租公寓里。Instead, he found himself trying to sell Packard trucks and living in a filthy 6 tenement 7 in Hell's Kitchen.

多年前,我们住在布朗克斯时,三楼搬来一家新租户。Some years ago, a good family moved into the third floor apartment of the tenement where we lived in the Bronx.

在一个令人恐怖房屋的地位低居民的运送斧头的队上故事中心叫做了猪的猪栏小路。The story centers on an ax-carrying gang terrorizing the lowly inhabitants of a tenement called Pig's Sty Alley.

它位于布达的心脏,在一个有100多年历史布达城堡的地下民用公寓住宅内。The site is located in the heart of Buda, in an over 100 years old civilian tenement house at the base of Buda castle.

小时候,看到我们宅院里仅有的一棵树被砍倒时我落泪了,我知道以后每到一处居住,我都会种下一棵树。When I wept childish tears as they cut down the only tree in our tenement yard, I knew I would plant a tree everywhere I lived.

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来自拥挤的贫民窟中的穷孩子,比中产阶级的孩子有更多的问题要克服。The underprivileged child from the crowded slum tenement has many more problems to overcome than the child from the middle-class home.

我居住了多年的屋子已经破旧不堪了,屋主通知我他不愿意再花钱去修理了。The owner of the tenement which I have occupied for many years has given notice that he will furnish but little or nothing more for repairs.

他不禁叫道,目光凝固在一方镶在廉租屋上的褐砂石饰板中雕着的亚伯拉罕·林肯上,那石板曾经是雕塑园里的中心展览品。“Good grief!” he cried at the sight of a carved brownstone tenement plaque of Abraham Lincoln, which had once been a centerpiece in the sculpture garden.