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西尔维斯特·泰龙是一个强壮的演员。Sylvester Stallone is one buff actor.

西尔维斯特在剥桔子,他把桔子皮放在沙发巾上。Sylvester is peeling an orange. He puts the peel on the couch cover.

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直到在工作中开始出错,西尔威斯特和莉娜才不打情骂俏了。Sylvester dallied about Lena until he began to make mistakes in his work.

在一九二六年,名为约翰尼西尔维斯特一个孩子躺在病床上。In nineteen twenty-six, a child named Johnny Sylvester lay in a hospital bed.

李连杰,布鲁斯·威利斯,阿诺德·施瓦辛格,杰森·斯坦森,席尔维斯特·史泰龙。Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone.

西耳佛斯脱·杜美先生最后智穷才竭了,便向柯帕乌诉苦。Mr. Sylvester Toomey was finally at his wit 's end, and complained to Cowperwood.

第一摩托车蒸汽动力古怪建造的西尔维斯特罗佩尔于1869年。The first motorcycle was a steam powered oddity built by Sylvester Roper in 1869.

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永远的硬汉西尔维斯特·史泰龙曾受雇为狮笼打扫员。Sylvester Stallone, always the tough guy, was once employed as a lion cage cleaner.

然而,像西尔维斯特•史泰隆所青睐的那种过分修饰、有些女气的眉毛绝对不可取。The over-plucked feminine look favored by Sylvester Stallone however is a serious no-no.

只希望他别又老是席维斯史特龙和阿诺史瓦辛格个没完。I just hope he doesn't start talking about Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger again.

西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰演巴尼·罗斯,又被称作变态佬,老练的敢死队员也是队长。Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross aka The Schizo, a veteran Expendable and leader of the team.

在荧幕上,有多少其它的女演员在打戏上敢自称是史泰龙的对手?How many other actresses can boast an on-screen kill count rivaling that of Sylvester Stallone?

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甚至还能帮它从饥饿的哺乳动物口中逃脱,真是对不起了,小猫西尔威斯特。And thus for keeping those bones from winding up in the mouth of a hungry mammal. Sorry, Sylvester.

我要先叫你肚子疼、子宫翻个个儿,再把你送到你的西尔维斯特那儿去。I will send you habitat to your Sylvester with an ache in your belly and your womb tossed inside out.

在荧幕上,有多少其它的女演员在打戏上敢自称是史泰龙的对手?没有太多,傻蛋,是根本没有!How many other actresses can boast an on-screen kill count rivaling that of Sylvester Stallone?Not many, fool. Not many at all.

出演兰博和洛奇系列电影的影人西尔维斯·史泰龙,在1996年有了女儿Sophia之后对其演职道路转型。Sylvester Stallone, star of the Rambo and Rocky films, altered his career path after the birth of his daughter, Sophia, in 1996.

不过在收山之前,他们想要在美特尔海滩,展开一场盛大的告别秀,并邀请“魔力麦克”重出江湖。But prior to the hill, they want to, in Myrtle Beach, launched a grand farewell show, and invited the "magic Mike" Sylvester Stallone.

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党卫队旗队长西尔维斯特尔施塔德勒的“霍亨斯陶芬”师从西部欧东河的阵地撤出,重夺112高地。SS-Standartenführer Sylvester Stadler's Hohenstaufen Division was released from west of the Odon to counterattack and retake Hill 112.

影片开头,我们看看西尔维斯特·史泰龙,简直就象一头被扒了皮的小母牛,而且,还被人扔在雨里,放了六星期。When we first meet Sylvester Stallone in that film, he frankly looks like a skinned heifer that someone left out in the rain for six weeks.

批评家大卫·西尔维斯特也是看出摩尔作品中表现凶险的人之一——“一个丰饶仪式的牺牲和复活之神”。The critic David Sylvester was one of many who saw something almost menacing in its form – "the sacrificed and resurrected god of a fertility rite".