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悬挂手提袋。Hanging tote bags.

易钉手提包从圣罗兰!Easy Studded Tote from YSL!

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冬天的手套和帽子可以装在一个手提袋里。A tote bag can hold winter gloves and hats.

而且你也不能把笔记本手提包带到海滩。And you can't tote that laptop to the beach.

大号提篮式购物包,光滑皮革包边。Basket cord tote bag with smooth leather trims.

我还非常喜欢“如何制作简单可翻转的手提袋”这部指南。I also loved this How To Make a Simple Reversible Tote Bag.

总有一天,我的孩子们将会长大,不能老待在手提包里被拎来拎去。One day my kids will be too big to carry around in tote bags.

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我把帷幔剪裁后,制作出了类似于手提袋的东西。I cut them up, and concocted something that resembles a tote bag.

帕特翻弄着一条麻袋,我以前来没注意过这个麻袋。Pat was digging around in a hemp tote bag I hadn’t noticed before.

几乎寓所内的所有房间都能有个可以在墙上悬挂手提袋的地方。Almost every room in our apartment has a tote bag hanging on the wall.

我拿起几个塑料盒子,将手提包和挎包放入盒内。I take several plastic bins, in which I place my handbag and tote bag.

她下了床垫,从她的大提包里拿出一面大镜子。After she got off the mattress, she took a large mirror out of her tote bag.

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落花生,秋葵和携带来自西非并且首先被在美国的奴隶们使用。Goober gumbo and tote are west african borrowings first used in america by slaves.

到中国出差的商人经常使用一次性的手机和携带删除敏感数据的电脑。China often tote disposable cellphones and loaner laptops stripped of sensitive data.

前方航海标志,皮革天鹅绒手提,旁边两个拉练口袋。Nautical embroidery fronts a leather-trimmed velour tote with two outside zip pockets.

她急忙在手提袋中找她的钱包,母亲觉得警官想要检查一下她。As she rummaged through her big tote bag for her wallet, Mom felt the office scrutinizing her.

到中国出差的商人经常使用一次性的手机和携带删除敏感数据的电脑。Travelers to China often tote disposable cellphones and loaner laptops stripped of sensitive data.

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切割出一个手提袋礼品袋窗口是一个重要步骤,需要耐心和创造力。Cutting out a window in a tote gift bag is an important step that requires patience and creativity.

彭丽媛则身穿一件宽肩宽袖口的白色衬衣,尤其再配上同色系的手袋和耳环,更显优雅和经典。It was elegant, classic, and especially so when she matched it with a same color tote and earrings.

结果是,现在我那6岁的女儿想要把布花添到她所有的手工手提袋上。Of course, this means my 6 year old daughter now wants flowers added to all of her handmade tote bags.