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山陵和树林点缀景色。Hill and woods diversify the landscape.

山陵和树木点缀景色。Hills and woods diversify the landscape.

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共同基金能帮我们分散风险I think they will help us to diversify our risks.

我认为我们的贷款到目前为止太分散了。I think our credit has been overextended to diversify.

我们总公司计画要增加我们的产品线。Our head office has plans to diversify our product line.

如果你是一家黄金矿商,想要寻求业务多样化,时机还不错.看涨黄金的理由多种多样.然而,铜长期前景要更为出众一些.It's not a bad time to diversify if you are a gold miner.

这些国家都正在努力实现工业化和经济多元化。All are trying to industrialize and diversify their economies.

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另外,宋先生说,中国需要欧洲来分散投资外汇储备。And China needs a place to diversify its reserves, Mr. Song said.

尽管如此,酒店经营者们还是认为三亚的吸引力不够多面,希望三亚进一步有所作为。Still, hoteliers fret that Sanya must do more to diversify its appeal.

逐步实现重要战略物资进口市场多元化。We will gradually diversify China's import markets for strategic supplies.

我可以建议你采取一个更加多产的方法,将你的流量源多样化。May I suggest you take a more productive step and diversify your traffic flow.

这一措施的主要目的是通过种植油棕榈树使棕榈油产业多样化。The main aim was to diversify into palm oil through the planting of oil palms.

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现在要使他们所积累的储备实现多样化已经太迟了。It is too late for now to diversify rapidly the stock they have already accumulated.

阿联酋希望把以石油为主导的经济体系进行多元化,而旅游业是其中很重要的一部分。Tourism is a major part of the UAE’s efforts to diversify its economy away from oil.

近年来,芭堤雅旅游业一直在设法吸引多样化的客源。In recent years the Pattaya tourist industry has sought to diversify its client base.

沙特政府正在努力发展多样化经济,而不仅仅依赖于石油收入。The government is trying to diversify the economy away from reliance on oil receipts.

关键要件之一,就是扩大合格外勤服务工作人员的储备库并使之多样化。A key element is to increase and diversify the pool of qualified staff for field service.

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对于任何拥有巨额外汇储备的国家,采取这种多样化操作都是审慎的。It is prudent for any country with large foreign exchange balances to diversify those funds.

回首过去的几年里,美雅公司尝试进行产业结构调整,向多元化领域谋求发展。Looking back over the past few years, our company try to diversify the field of development.

有没有尝试在整个行业的多元化群体或侧重于市值。There is no attempt to diversify across industry groups or to focus on market capitalization.