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那是一个宏伟的建筑。It was a magnificent building.

不希罕华丽的大厦。Not rare magnificent building.

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他们给了我们一个宏伟的泡沫。They gave us a magnificent bubble.

好一派北国风光!What magnificent northern scenery!

大三巴不仅雄伟高大。Tai Sam Ba is not just magnificent.

这骊山高大、雄壮。The mountain is high and magnificent.

去看那神奇的布达拉。To see the magnificent Potala Palace.

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很是称身,看起来棒极了。They fit perfectly and look magnificent.

帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建筑物。The Parthenon is a magnificent structure.

不过,你会因此错过那壮观的景色。But then you ll miss the magnificent view.

可是,你会因此错过那绚丽无比的景不雅观。But then you'll miss the magnificent view.

不过,你会因此错过那壮观的风景。But then you’ll miss the magnificent view.

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因为事实对于你来说是美好的。Because the truth about you is magnificent.

这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇。The portal of the mansion looks magnificent.

小提琴的音律是那么华丽。The sound of the violin was just magnificent.

这位得奖者,将有一个非常让人向往假期,就是919。The winner, This Magnificent Holiday, is 919.

在他宏伟的诗篇中,已故的明治天皇想要说些什么呢?。Emperor wish to say with his magnificent poem?

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国王戴着华丽的金冠。The king was wearing a magnificent gold crown.

有棕榈树的小岛生如夏日朝霞般瑰丽!Born as rosy and magnificent as summer sunglow!

我喜欢草坪上所有那些高大的树。I love all those magnificent trees on the lawn.