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链接它们,如下图所示。Link them as shown below.

它没有直接被表示出来It is not explicitly shown.

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永远的毁灭公爵显示。Duke Nukem Forever is shown.

价钱都列在价格表上。It's shown in the price list.

然后像这样把他们加起来Then add them, as shown here.

按住一小段时间如下图所示。Press a few times as shown below.

她从来没有显露出自己的真本事。She hasn"t ever shown her paces."

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他暴露出是一个地道的流氓。He has shown himself a very knave.

我有一些其它的数据可给你们看一下I have some other data shown here.

将这些查询重命名,如下所示。Rename the queries as shown below.

必填字段以粗体显示。Required fields are shown in bold.

显示出生命的顽强不屈。Shown unyielding tenacity of life.

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用胶水将两翼及手把贴好。Glue the wings and handle as shown.

他父亲用实际行动向他揭示了捞钱的决窍。His father had shown him the ropes.

一个公关人员给我展示了这篇社论。I was shown this editorial by a PR.

刚才您看到的是佳佳。Just now we have shown you Jia Jia.

连这种细节都想到了。And it is shown in such fine detail.

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这体现在很多方面。And this has been shown in many ways.

他给我看了他集的邮票。He has shown me his stamp collection.

祂的挚爱常在幽秘中显明表征In secret of His deeper love is shown