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认识到业务是个残酷的监工。Recognize that business is a cruel taskmaster.

你正在服务于一个领导,胜过观众。K. ?' You're serving a taskmaster that trumps the audience.

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我甚至能看到那邪恶的工头站在面前,双臂交叉,脚尖打着拍子。I see the evil taskmaster with arms crossed and foot tapping.

严格的导师可能难以取悦,但你应付得来。A strict taskmaster may be difficult, but you're up to the challenge.

你只需要再努力多一点时间,你就会逃离土星这个考验之星的魔掌。You only have a little more to go before you are done with this taskmaster planet.

他们的主食是工头监督下奴隶种植的菌类。Their staple food is the fungus cultivated by slaves under the oversight of a taskmaster.

这只是一个如何实际运用以及能否全心投入的问题。It was a matter of application and dedication, and Fitch was the taskmaster this team needed.

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九月底出生的人将首先感受到这个这位严厉的监督者带来的影响。Those who will feel the influence from this taskmaster planet first are those Libras born at the end of September.

罗波安王差遣掌管服苦之人的亚多兰往以色列人那里去,以色列人就用石头打死他。Then King Rehoboam sent Adoram, who was taskmaster over the forced labor, and all Israel stoned him to death with stones.

为什么呢?因为男人错误地以为他们是一家之主,因此也是这个房子的主人。Why? Because males are taught falsely that men are to be the head of the household and therefore the taskmaster of the home.

你在你的主持幸福,浪漫,休闲屋土星,督促工作的行星,但这是一个占星矛盾。You hosted Saturn, the taskmaster planet, in your house of happiness, romance, and leisure, but that's an astrological oxymoron.

工头土星继续他缓慢的旅程,穿过掌管你们日常事务的第6宫,然后自我保健懈怠不再是一种选择。Taskmaster Saturn continues his slow journey through your 6th House of Everyday Routines, and slacking on self-care is no longer an option.

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在工地上,保罗是个谨慎的工头,他总是不同意我减少边角,因为我想要减少地基的混凝土。Paul is a meticulous taskmaster on a job site, and he tends to disapprove of my cutting corners — as I tried to do by reducing the concrete in the foundation.

协议达成,两个球员都各得其所。加拉斯立刻坦率而直接的向他的前教头发难。With a deal done and both players having had their respective wishes granted, Gallas has wasted no time in issuing a frank and forthright appraisal of his former taskmaster.

这是狗头人的任务,要保持纳邦德林一尘不染,而它们对职责的忠心耿耿全靠一个手持鞭子和匕首的食人魔来保证。It was the kobolds' task to keep the streets of Narbondellyn absolutely free of debris, and their devotion to duty was ensured by an ogre taskmaster armed with whip and daggers.

比方说,我不再认为神是冷酷无情的,或是严厉苛刻的审判者,而是温柔的牧者、关怀备至的母亲和伤心欲绝的父亲。For example, instead of seeing God as a cruel taskmaster or a harsh judge, I now picture God in some ways as a tender shepherd, as a concerned mother, and as a heartbroken father.