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她笑言暂时没有。She smiled temporarily.

我暂时住在甲洞。I am staying in Kepong temporarily.

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可能你只是暂时的需要它。You might only need it temporarily.

出国游学中,暂停更新影片!Study Abroad, Service temporarily Stops!

暂时减少食用高纤维素食物。Temporarily cut back on high-fiber foods.

现在车辆暂时禁止通行。It is now closed temporarily for the race.

赔款暂时中止了。Reparations were temporarily pretermitted.

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那些唱片暂时无货。Those record are temporarily out of stock.

我们临时用油灰塞住那个洞。We temporarily plugged the hole with putty.

全座城市都会暂时变得热闹起来!All cities will become temporarily livened up!

他是暂时代理她的职务。He is temporarily acting for her in that post.

甚至艾迪姨妈的敌意也暂时得以冰释。Even Aunt Addie's hostility melted temporarily.

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磁鼓中用来暂时存放资料的一种缓冲区。A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data.

在询问他之后,立马就让他离开了。After questioning him,they let him go temporarily.

孕妇的IgG2水平都会暂时地偏低。Pregnant women also have temporarily low IgG2 levels.

可靠内部消息称,目前已有11名飞行员暂时停飞接受调查。Insiders say 11 pilots are temporarily being grounded.

注册临时的可插命名空间处理器。Temporarily registering a pluggable namespace handler.

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暂时取消罢工权的提议。A proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike.

“黑皮”暂时在表妹和相好的金莉莉家避难。Black temporarily at cousin and good li-li jins asylum.

朔南方偃革,河右暂扬旌。The New South Yan Ge, Yang Jing River right temporarily.