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他以非法手段弄钱。He got the money illegally.

是的,这些信息是通过非法手段获取的。Yes, the messages were obtained illegally.

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并有九十六万四千首歌被非法下载。And 694,000 songs were downloaded illegally.

当你在俄亥俄州非法猎取奖榜级鹿的时候。When you illegally take a trophy deer in Ohio.

所有非法泊车的车辆将被拖走。Any illegally parked vehicles would be towed away.

这个瘸腿乞丐开始非法乞讨鸡蛋。The one-legged beggar begins to beg eggs illegally.

独腿乞丐开始非法讨蛋。The one-legged beggar begins to beg eggs illegally.

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据估计,这些拉美裔人口中约五分之一都是非法移民。An estimated fifth of them are in the country illegally.

这里有许多自行车违规停放。There are lots of b, Ikes parked. Illegally around here.

他被控将武器非法运进这个国家。He is accused of illegally imported arms into the country.

未经认可或违章停放的车辆将被锁上铁枷。Unauthorised or illegally parked vehicles will be clamped.

西汉姆承认他们是非法引进球员。West Ham have admitted that they fielded players illegally.

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吉普赛人居住地的蛾子携带寄生虫,而吉普赛人的出租车都是非法运营。Gypsy moths are parasitic, and gypsy cabs operate illegally.

附近还有一家叫利源美味的饭店,非法销售眼镜蛇。Nearby, the Liyuan Meiwei restaurant illegally offers cobra.

政府已扣押了那批走私货。The government has confiscated the illegally imported goods.

它直接决定违章证据是否充分。It directly determines whether sufficient evidence illegally.

是说这些黑帮的人多数显然是非法居留者。Officials note most apparently are in this country illegally.

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我们偷渡就是想去香港博免费治疗。We want to go to Hong Kong illegally is Hakata free treatment.

确切的说,在最后,连对我的释放也被非法处理了。In a fitting conclusion, even my release was handled illegally.

女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat.