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铁膳食中存在两种不同的形式。Dietary iron exists in two different forms.

医生强制一套严格的饮食起居制度。The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.

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使用前请充分摇匀,每天有规律的使用。SHAKE WELL, use daily as a dietary supplement.

这样饮食有助青春期发育?。Development of such dietary conduce adolescence?

以每日1-2茶匙作为膳食补充剂。Take 1-2 teaspoons daily as a dietary supplement.

痔疮在饮食方面应该注意什么啊?What should haemorrhoid notice in dietary respect?

膳食纤维在本质上不一定必须是纤维状的。Dietary fiber is not necessarily fibrous in nature.

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胃下垂在饮食方面要注意哪些?What should gastroptosis notice in dietary respect?

抗性淀粉是一种新型的膳食纤维资源。Resistant starch is a new resource of dietary fiber.

你采用一些缓和的减肥饮食疗法和进行适量的体育锻炼。You make some moderate dietary and exercise changes.

饮食补剂上的标签可能会让人困惑。The labels on dietary supplements can be very confusing.

肾脏病人应该在饮食方面注意什么?What should nephritic patient notice in dietary respect?

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每天两锭,随餐饭后使用,作为膳食补充。As a dietary supplement, take two caplets daily with food.

然而饮食指南是不会长期保持如此宽松的。Dietary guidelines would not remain so permissive for long.

每日一次或两次,每次两锭,做为膳食补充。Take 2 caplets once or twice daily as a dietary supplement.

但所有这些都取决于我们,评估膳食脂肪的能力But all that depends on our ability to estimate dietary fat.

这又是一类常常被忽视的营养素。This is another dietary requirement that is often overlooked.

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当你们做自己的饮食评价时就会发现这点You'll find that out when you do your own dietary assessment.

其饮食营养的摄取方式亦与人类相似。Dogs also process dietary nutrients in ways similar to humans.

贫血血压低在饮食起居上应注意些什么?What should anaemic blood depress notice on dietary daily life?