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你家谁有劲做饭?Who cooks in your household?

她忙于操持家务。She runs the household herself.

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再次提到教会是一个家庭。Again the church is a household.

他在家里发号施令。He lorded it over his household.

并对我家的佑护神表示崇敬。Meet adoration to my household gods.

她把家掌管得很好。She managed the household very well.

每月日常支出详细信息Details for monthly household expenses

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每一个家庭都有它自己的灶王。Every household has its own Tsao Wang.

能不能把户口本让我看看?May I see your household registration.

她掸去家具上的灰尘。She have an allergy to household dust.

她被家务事拖累。She was cumbered with household cares.

隆恩·甘博已经成为家喻户晓的名人。Ron Gambol has become a household name.

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这一家人全由妈妈来照料。The household is in the care of Mother.

与威拉组成的家庭破裂了。The household with Willa was dissolved.

他自己和全家就都信了。" So he and all his household believed.

繁重的家务劳动把她的手弄得很粗糙。Hard household chores roughed her hands.

家访旅次调查?。Household Travel Characteristics Survey?

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他是那家被宠坏了的孩子。He is the spoiled child of that household.

户谷感觉到情况对自己非常的不利。The valley of his household feel very bad.

人人防火,户户安全!All prevent fire, every household are safe!