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我们住在城外,在迈瑞特公园路附近。We live outside of town, near the Merritt Parkway.

前往新港和加的夫的旅客请在布里斯托大道换车。Passengers for Newport and Cardiff change at Bristol Parkway.

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在咕嘟的协助下,阿一也回到了百汇城。In GuDu under the assistance, o a also returned at parkway city.

嗯。然后,我沿着园林路向南开到14号出口出来。B. Um-hmmAfter that, I took the parkway south and got off at Exit 14.

他可能坐着一辆白色的福特车往南郡大道去了。He was possibly heading for the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford.

要么是我们不小心,把高速公路出口的编号一直排到了孟买?Did we accidentally keep numbering our parkway exits all the way to Mumbai?

嗯、嗯然后我顺着华盛顿大街一直开到园林路入口处。Uh-huh. Then, I followed Washington Avenue all the way to the parkway entrance.

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在南方,我们驱车沿着纳切兹特里斯河行驶,穿行于这条长444英里的林荫大道,亲临其境地感悟着南北战争期间那段遥远的历史。In the South, we drove along the Natchez Trace, the 444-mile parkway lined with Civil War history.

百汇贸易有限公司也热忱欢迎广大客商前来洽谈及指导。Parkway Shoe Company also warmly welcomes the majority of businessmen came to discuss and guidance.

花园州公园大道是通往地狱的高速公路吗?抑或新泽西州收费高速公路是迈向诅咒毁灭之路?Is the Garden State Parkway the highway to hell? Or is the New Jersey Turnpike the road to damnation ?

帕克维酒店的设备部经理打来电话,询问有关下星期颁奖宴会的活动安排。The facilities manager at Parkway Hotel was calling about arrangements for the awards dinner next week.

因为汽油限量供应仍然有效,在去曼哈顿的环形公园道路上几乎没有车辆。Because of the gas rationing still in effect, there was little traffic on the Belt Parkway to Manhattan.

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他们企图实施抢劫,并殴打Sandy,把他逼上公园大道,导致Sandy遭遇车祸。Instead they wanted to rob him, and they beat him up and chased him onto a parkway where he was hit by a car.

你会在路右边看到学院街70号,在园林入口处的对面。Turn right on Circuit Road, and you'll see 70 College Street on the right , across from the parkway entrance.

我们已经在这间房子里生活了11年了,搬来这里之前,我们在海洋公园路和国王高速公路上住了4年。We have lived in this apartment 11 years. Before that we lived on Ocean Parkway and Kings Highway for 4 years.

硅谷的中央公园路左边紧连居民区,右边紧挨市政大楼。The central parkway of Innograd embraces municipal buildings on the right and residential apartment on the left.

一辆车正在班芙国家公园内铺满冰的大道上行驶,背景则是壮丽的加拿大洛基山脉。With the majestic Canadian Rocky Mountains in the background, a car heads down Icefields Parkway in Banff National Park.

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交通支持两个方向的当河谷大道以东和至于亨伯河西端。Traffic backed up in both directions from the Don Valley Parkway to the east and as far as the Humber River in the west end.

我们也很享受大雾山国家公园和蓝山公路之旅,而我们距离这两个地方只有15分钟车程。We also enjoy going to the Great Smoky National Park as well as the Blue Ridge Parkway. We are only 15 minutes from both of those.

这是约20分钟到滨海地区的车程,车程5分钟到东海岸沙滩约15分钟步行到百汇广场购物中心。It's about 20 mins drives to Marina area, 5 mins drives to East Coast beach and about 15 mins walk to Parkway Parade shopping mall.