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创新和再创新的艺术演绎只是一小部分人的专利。Creative and recreative artistry of this kind is given only to a select few.

机械化农业、精致农业、和休閒农业的发展。Introduce the development of mechanical, delicate, and recreative agriculture.

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这种技术员再创造的能力需要侦查人员的丰富想象力。The technicians' recreative ability needs rich imagination of the investigators.

神话根据其发展时期的不同特征,可以大体上分成“原始神话”与“再生型神话”。Myth, based on the way in which it is formed, can be categorized as original myth and recreative myth.

要了解其他语言的诗歌就得先翻译,然而翻译又是一个再创造的过程。Want to learn a foreign poem you'd better translate it first. However , translation is a recreative process.

Tanya的父母都是运动大师,母亲是前滑冰运动员,从事保健操教练20年。Tanya’s parents are masters of sport. Mother, a former ice-skater, has been a recreative gymnastics trainer for 20 years.

为罪难过还不够,还要有新的行为,因为悔改在本质上是有建设性的。It's not enough to be sorry, we've also got to do something new, because repentance is essentially recreative and restorative.

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体育休闲旅游作为一种社会文化现象,正成为21世纪旅游消费的新取向。As a phenomenon of social culture, sports and recreative tourism resources are becoming a new orientation for tourism consumption in the 21st century.

鉴于这一复杂课题,在这篇论文中,我将只涉及一个方面,即绿化带设施的娱乐功能。As to this rather complex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function of green space facilities.

城市环境应尽可能提供更多的娱乐活动,而这些娱乐活动也在被设计为使每日比做的事也有娱乐的一面。The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.

文化、体育、娱乐和其他公共活动场所,为残疾人提供方便和照顾。有计划地兴办残疾人活动场所。Provide facilities and accommodations for disabled persons at places of cultural, sports, recreative and other public activities and set up in a planned way activity centres for disabled persons.