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在逐步放大对图像。Zooms in progressively on the image.

它逐渐变硬,直至不易弯曲。It progressively stiffens until rigid.

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我觉得这会渐渐改变So I think that that's going to change progressively

随着时间推移,凋亡细胞逐渐增多。With time, osteocytes apoptosis progressively increased.

东西不可能慢慢的找到自己的代表。Things could not have set about signifying progressively.

米娜·奥普瑞高塔渐渐走到了舞台的边缘。Mina Operagalta strolled to the edge of the stage progressively.

一定要放轻松,你的技巧会慢慢增加。Remember to take it easy, and your skill will progressively grow.

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整个演化过程中,盆地转折线逐渐向断层移动。The hinge line of the basin progressively migrates towards the fault.

我们将这些人口逐步划分为阶层和次阶层。We progressively divide this population into classes and sub- classes.

称重传感器上的混合装置和重量是累进去皮称量吗?Is the mixing unit on load cells and the weight progressively tared off?

GDP的反弹将结束两年以来中国经济缓慢增长的态势。A rebound in GDP would snap a two-year run of progressively slower growth.

在机床上,阀座密封环逐渐起波纹,并将O形环束缚在里面。Seat ring is progressively crimped on a lathe to imprison the O-ring in it.

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随着天麻球茎的生长发育,逐渐积累淀粉。Following the development of the corm, starch was accumulated progressively.

实际上,在那个时候,他的病日益加重,并随后迅速恶化。And indeed, he got progressively and then rapidly deteriorated at that point.

钻孔两真个水一结冰,就让它不停变小。Water on the sides of the borehole will freeze, making it progressively smaller.

它得到逐步更难,这是不同于其他确需我所看到的。It gets progressively harder which is different than other ones that I have seen.

但有并发症的则可能引起气促,病情会逐渐加重。The complicated form may cause shortness of breath that gets progressively worse.

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再移至更近的物体时,我们再次使用越来越粗的画笔。Then as we work to objects yet nearer, we use progressively larger brushes again.

他成了一个摒弃一切幻想,严厉抨击时弊的批评家。He became a progressively harsh and disillusioned critic of his country's failings.

我可以说“每个服务器渐进的响应自描述了当前的协议。”I can say "each server response progressively self-describes the current protocol."