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你需要一套紧身连衣裤,和一些运动鞋。You'll need a leotard and some sneakers.

为了赋予她运动的气质,我让她穿上紧身衣裤。To make her seem athletic, I need to give her a leotard.

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有记者称他为未穿紧身连衣裤的超级英雄。Some journalists called him a superhero without a leotard.

这位光彩照人的歌星昨晚在雅典的舞台上身着风格大胆的连体羊毛衣。The gorgeous popstar wore a daring wooly leotard on stage in Athens last night.

两星期前,三个老男人围着穿粉红色紧身连衣裤的我给我涂着妮维雅。Two weeks ago I was in a pink leotard being smeared with Nivea by three old men.

它表明,在不对称莱奥塔尔和高跟鞋,她和另外两名女舞者。It shows her in asymmetrical leotard and high-heels, with two other female dancers.

一次在洛杉矶405街道上,我看到一位女士,将身上一套很合宜的商务便服换下,穿上了另一套紧身服。One time on the 405 in L.A., I saw a woman switch from a very nice business outfit into a leotard.

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每个人都做相同的运动,既相似又实际,而且慢跑的时候都穿并不舒服的紧身连衣裤。Everyone pulls for the same sport, it’s like and what is practical! And a leotard is more than comfortable while jogging.

不过假如你不想换上短裤或紧身衣,去跳爵士舞或练跆拳道,也不必绝望。But if you're not ready to squeeze into shorts or a leotard and grunt through an hour of jazzing or kickboxing, don't despair.

你大可不必穿上紫红色的紧身衣在过道里翩翩起舞,穿着便服跳几下楼梯就可以解决问题了。You don't need to put on a purple leotard and dance in the hallway. A few flights of stairs in your normal clothes should do the trick.

在女子学校的小学生们相对而言不怎么在意她们的外表。甚至我们前面的六个学校都仍很乐意让学生们穿上高领紧身衣在蹦蹦床上跳跃。Girls school pupils are less bothered about what they look like. Even of our sixth formers are still happy to put on a leotard and jump on a trampoline.

这位光彩照人的歌星昨晚在雅典的舞台上身着风格大胆的连体羊毛衣。她以灰色底带有奶油色图案的露肩毛衣,搭配高到大腿的靴子。The gorgeous popstar wore a daring wooly leotard on stage in Athens last night.She teamed the grey, off-the-shoulder number with cream, thigh-high leather boots.