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我们没有给苦难和怨恨让路。We did not give way to bitterness.

把自己的苦水向她全部倒了出来,她也急得没有办法。I poured out my own bitterness to her.

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她满腔仇恨和辛酸。She was full of hatred and bitterness.

她心中满是对神的苦毒情绪。A woman full of bitterness towards God.

啊,名声原来是这般苦涩和痛苦!Oh, the bitterness and misery of renown!

你可以理解瑞安先生的痛苦。You can understand Mr. Ryan’s bitterness.

这菜咸得快苦了。This vegetables is salty quick bitterness.

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他们聊到了过去吃的苦。They talked over the bitterness of the past.

苦味通常就是有轻微的腐烂。Bitterness is often a sign of a mild rancidity.

多一份快乐,少一份悲苦。Have another a happiness, little sad bitterness.

失去工作后他一直忿忿不平。He was full of bitterness after he lost his job.

不要让不信和苦毒在心中滋长。Do not let unbelief and bitterness grow inside us.

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耶稣降世就是要来减轻神的痛苦。It was Jesus who came to mitigate this bitterness.

那本书以关于悲痛的讨论作开头。The book tees off with a discussion of bitterness.

哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。And I drink coptis, also can't speak the bitterness.

你已经死在过深的怨愤里了吗?。Have you perished in this deep rancor and bitterness?

在你这样做时,你就把坏事变成了乐事。In doing so, you turn the bitterness in satisfaction!

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他们喜欢食物中的苦和咸。A. They like bitterness in foods as well as saltiness.

要适当多吃一些苦味的食物,如苦瓜等。Due to some bitterness eat food, such as bitter gourd.

我知道她把伤心、难过与痛苦都埋在了心底。I knew she had buried all the bitterness in her heart.