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这是份可恨的工作。It was a hateful job.

走着瞧吧,可恶的压力!Waits and sees, hateful pressure!

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我的名字是仇家的名字。My name, dear saint, is hateful to.

为什么可憎的杜鹃孵化在麻雀的巢内?Or hateful cuckoos hatch in sparrows' nests?

我忍不住骂声可恨的宋路者。I couldn't stop condemning the hateful Song Lu.

他就会忘掉那可恨已极的葡萄酒!He would not remember that but for hateful wine!

否定这些事实是毫无根据的、无知的、可恶的。Denying that fact is baseless, ignorant, and hateful.

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他这个人最可爱和最可恨的一点都是他的守时。The most lovable and hateful thing in him is his punctuality.

此刻他连妻子也感到面目可憎,令人讨厌。And his wife's face, too, struck him as repulsive and hateful.

不过,的的确确,她对这可恨的标记的看法是没错的。But, in very truth, she is right as regards this hateful token.

讨厌的英格兰花粉,它引发了我的花粉热。Hateful hateful english pollen, it?brought hay fever out of me.

若父母亲憎恶我,还能尽孝,那才是真正贤德啊!If parents are hateful and cruel, then it's truly to be filial.

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让我们不去回想那个邪恶的人吧--我们两个都那么讨厌他!Let us recur not to that impious man-how hateful to both of us!

诸君亦不果来,岂牡丹留不住为可恨耶。Party of no fruit to, how could not keep the hateful Yeah peony.

任何与死亡有关的话题,在这里要么可笑,要么可恨。Everything related to death is either ridiculous or hateful here.

这是它们生物学内的有毒的憎恨的宗谱造成的。This is the result of poisonous hateful genealogy in their biology.

你认为抄袭者不劳而获的行为可恨吗?Do you think a copycat is hateful to make achievements out of nothing?

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如果父母不爱我,我又能孝敬父母,这才是真正的大孝。Parents who are hateful and cruel, test the worth of one filial heart.

夜色渐浓,在他看来黑夜变得越来越可怕可恨了。The night was turning jangled and hateful to him as the twilight faded.

一会儿,一头野牛也用角来顶他,把狮子视为可恨的仇敌。While, a bison also used his top corner to the Lions as hateful enemies.