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我的叉子掉了。I dropped my fork.

他们在分岔处离别。They parted at the fork.

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他们在岔路口处分手。They parted at the fork.

那侍者掉了一把叉子。The waiter dropped a fork.

沙特人说要一件叉子。The Sardar asks for a fork.

他把叉子叉入肉中。He dug a fork into the meat.

他用刀叉吃饭。He eats with knife and fork.

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不要在叉口向左转。Don' t bear left at the fork.

用叉将调合蛋白堆成尖峰状。Fork the meringue into peaks.

剡督岔口处向左怪。Go to the fork and turn left.

我吃牛排时用叉子。I use a fork when leat steak.

我爸爸放下叉子。My father puts down his fork.

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我可以要一副刀叉吗?Could I have a knife and fork?

用叉把马铃薯捣碎成泥。Mash the potatoes with a fork.

你用一把刀和一去叉子吃饭。You eat with a knife and fork.

可吊装、堆码、叉举。Top lift. Stackable, Fork lift.

走到岔口处向左拐。Go up to the fork and turn left.

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请给我一副刀叉。Please give me a knife and fork.

我们在叉路口分手。We parted at the fork of a road.

他简岂了刀叉…词形变化。he picked up his knife and fork.