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专利技术。Proprietary technology.

点到点的专有整合。Point to point proprietary integration.

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意法半导体TO-220封装的专用名称。ST proprietary name for TO-220 package.

苹果也拥有很多专利产品。Apple has many proprietary products too.

若要去除油污,可以试试一种专利乾洗剂。For grease marks try a proprietary dry cleaner.

那家公司使用一套专用的日内交易系统。The firm used a proprietary day-trading system.

专有的超低消耗实芯导体。Proprietary ultra low loss solid core conductors.

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开放源码将排挤掉私有源码的软件。Open source will squeeze out proprietary soft ware.

公司拥有自主品牌---星河太空石头。The company has its proprietary brand ----S-H quartz.

这包括专用和自定义消息格式。This includes proprietary and custom message formats.

专有的陶瓷管插座与银接触。Proprietary ceramic tube sockets with silver contacts.

对这些专有系统的讨论才刚刚开始.Discussion of these proprietary platforms is only beginning.

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一个特有且旧的音频格式,但是也很流行。A proprietary and older, but also popular, lossy audio format.

奈特罗设计出一种专门的溶剂,适合用来做旋转涂层。Nantero devised a proprietary solvent suitable for spin coating.

然而,这就是专有软件模式背后人们的心态。Yet this is the mentality behind the proprietary software model.

云的专属程度有多高,对集成有何影响?How proprietary is the cloud and how does that impact integration?

而对于商业的私有闭源软件,情况正好相反。With commercial proprietary closed software, the opposite is true.

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建模语言也是厂商特有的,缺乏直观性。The modeling language is a proprietary one, reducing intuitiveness.

你是个工作狂,你能有什么分寸?You are a workaholic, what kind of sense of proprietary do you have?

我无法上传到公开回购一些专有的罐子。I have some proprietary jars that cannot be uploaded to public repos.