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可是没有人能够描述梵天,因此梵天不受污染。But no one has been able to describe Brahman. It is therefore unpolluted.

我羡慕你平和的心境,你的良心,你那未受污染的记忆。I envy your peace of mind, your clean conscience, your unpolluted memory.

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天然彩棉满足了人类追求“绿色、无污染”的渴望。Now the natural-colorized cotton fulfill people's thirsty of Green and Unpolluted.

提倡大力发展生态农业和无污染、安全、优质绿色食品。Advocated improving the zoology agriculture and the unpolluted , safe, high quality green food.

比如,小肥羊使用的羊肉全部来自相对无污染的蒙古草原。Its mutton, for example, comes from sheep raised on the relatively unpolluted Mongolian plains.

而寻求静谧、清洁的海滩和悠闲氛围的游客则只能另寻他处了。Visitors seeking deserted and unpolluted beaches and a laid-back atmosphere should go elsewhere.

三峡库区江段江水甲基汞浓度与加拿大未被污染湖泊湖水相当。Methylmercury concentration of river water was similar to that of unpolluted lake water of Canada.

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在严格保证水源地不受影响的前提下,为水功能区划的适时调整提出科学论证。Scientific adjustment for river functional zoning is put forward in order to guarantee water source unpolluted.

蓝靛果忍冬是一种野生天然无污染浆果资源,具有广阔的开发利用前景。Lonicera edulis Turcz is a kind of resource of natural and unpolluted berry, which has vast prospects for exploration.

精选有机白牡丹茶,纯天然无污染,营养丰富。汤色杏黄明亮,口感清醇微甜,毫香鲜嫩持久。It is natural and unpolluted and has rich nutrition. It features bright apricot color, mild taste and soothing fragrance.

选择环境条件好,采用优良品种,改革栽培技术能降低食用菌的重金属含量。It is necssary to decrease them by selection of good varieties and carry on the improvement of cultivation in unpolluted environments.

所有南澳海湾水域源自干净,非接触,无污染的南大洋与最近正在南极土地。All South Australian bay waters originate from the clean, untouched and unpolluted Southern Ocean with the nearest land being Antartica.

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亲近自然,感恩自然。没有污染的自然,才是大地上最美的风景。欢迎您走进从化,走进这个绿色文明的家园。Close to nature and appreciate it. Nature unpolluted is the most beautiful scene on earth. Welcome to Conghua, Home of Green Civilization.

若有机会,我会返古,回到原始社会,过着群居生活,享受绿色食品和无污染环境所带来的乐趣。If I have a chance, I prefer to go back to the primitive society and live a community life and enjoy the green food and unpolluted environment.

举世闻名的高品质纽西兰鹿茸便来自于在清净无污染之牧草地上以自由放牧方式生长的强壮而健康的鹿群。It is here on unpolluted grass based pastures that the world renowned high quality New Zealand velvet is grown by strong, fit, free-ranging deer.

除流入污水渠的家居污水或流入雨水渠的未经污染的水外,排放任何其他污水必须申领污水排放牌照。All discharges, other than domestic sewage to a foul sewer or unpolluted water to a storm drain, must be covered by an effluent discharge licence.

公司有健全的饲养规程和防疫体系,保证了基地实行无残留、无公害的安全食品生产。Our company's well-established breeding rules, procedures and epidemic prevention system guarantee the unpolluted safe food production in the base.

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每一个美国人都应享有最清新的空气、最安全的饮水和未受污染的土地,而且每个人都可以采取措施保护这些宝贵的资源。Every American deserves the cleanest air, the safest water, and unpolluted land, and each person can take steps to protect those precious resources.

安全农产品是高效生态农业的产物,主要包括无公害农产品、绿色食品和有机食品。Safe agricultural products being the products of high effective eco-agriculture include the unpolluted agricultural products, green food, and organic food.

在溪流或类似地方游泳问题不大,但在沙漠上不行!让沙漠上珍贵的水源平静而无污染,许多的生物才得以饮用。Swimming in likes or streams is OK in most instances but in desert areas, leae scarce water holes undisturbed and unpolluted so animals may drink from them.