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这是常用的磁共振成像结果时,已经有定论。It is often used when MRI results have been inconclusive.

因而,我们必须依靠间接和非决定性的证据。For that we have to rely on indirect and inconclusive evidence.

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指南的作者群称科学仍存在不确定性。The guidelines' authors said the science remained inconclusive.

他说他们的发现是未确证的,并呼吁进行进一步研究。He says their finding is inconclusive and calls for more research.

然而,当时他的样本量太小而无法得出结论。However, his sample size was small and the results were inconclusive.

不过,他提醒说,对气温的观察结果仍然是不确定的。He cautioned, however, that temperature observations remain inconclusive.

陪审团发现控告罪犯的罪证不确凿,所以放了他。The jury found the evidence against the prisoner inconclusive and acquitted him.

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课本不怎么样,尽是不得要领的论说和一些老生常谈。It was a poor performance, full of inconclusive arguments and other commonplaces.

但迄今为止,因为方法问题,有关研究仍是不确定的。However, to date, the research is inconclusive largely due to methodological problems.

在战争期间未完成的这项调查,只给出了非决定性的实验结果。The investigation, which was not finished during the war, gave only inconclusive results.

在经历三个多月非决定性竞选之后,伊拉克宣告组建新议会。A new parliament has convened in Iraq, more than three months after inconclusive elections.

那位科学家皱皱眉头,看看图表,然后说“数据仍不够充分”。The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said, "The data are still inconclusive."

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即使饮酒与自尊之间显现关联时,这些发现也是混合与非决定性的。Even when findingsdoshow links between alcohol use and esteem, they are mixed and inconclusive.

费伯可能死了,但布格斯对这个“可能”很不满足,这太没把握啦。Bloggs could take no satisfaction in the likelihood that Faber was dead. It was too inconclusive.

但他们也警告称,从朝鲜流出的信息模糊且不确定,使人沮丧。But they warn that the information coming out of North Korea is frustratingly vague and inconclusive.

即使饮酒与自尊之间显现关联时,这些发现也是混合与非决定性的。Even when findings do show links between alcohol use and self-esteem, they are mixed and inconclusive.

有人支持这一理论,有人反对,对此,争论非常激烈,但这是一场注定没有结果的争论。There can be many arguments for and against this theory, but the debate is bound to remain inconclusive.

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不过,上述几种说法都是根据初步的或未确定的证据的不完善推论。However, these contentions are based mainly on faulty extrapolations of preliminary or inconclusive evidence.

在世卫组织合作实验室的补充检测可产生不确定或仅仅弱阳性结果。Additional testing in a WHO collaborating laboratory may produce inconclusive or only weakly positive results.

商品化权是一个新兴的法学概念,国内外对于这个问题的研究尚无定论。Merchandizing right is a new concept of law, and domestic and international research on this issue is inconclusive.