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今天是琳宝盼了已久的星期天。Today is the Lambeth waited long Sunday.

现在我们再从蓝贝瑟桥通过,进入西敏区。We're now crossing Lambeth Bridge into Westminster.

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我写小说,叫做兰贝斯丽莎,把它交给出版商,并得到认同。I wrote a novel, called Liza of Lambeth , sent it to a publisher, and it was accepted.

而这种纽带已经变得力量微薄,尽管恶化的形势明显的到缓解,但今年的Lambeth会议很可能是此类活动的最后一次了。Despite the apparent reprieve, this year’s Lambeth conference could well be the last of its kind.

橡皮泥买回来了,琳宝开始有模有样地做起来了,真像那么一回事。Rubber cement to buy back, Lambeth began to die there like to do together, and really like them all.

主教满足每一个十年的邀请,于坎特伯雷大主教在琳宝大会。The bishops meet every ten years, at the invitation of the archbishop of Canterbury, in the Lambeth Conference.

亨利与玛丽与他们在火中丧生的两个孩子,一起被葬于朗伯斯墓地。Henry and Mary Ann Chandler were buried in Lambeth Cemetery along with the two children who had died in the fire.

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沃里克大学的研究员对伦敦朗伯斯区南部学生的成绩作了分析。Researchers from the University of Warwick analysed the scores of pupils living in the south London borough of Lambeth.

对美国同性恋主教晋级的决定引发了最新一轮的痛苦内讧,而他本人也没有被邀请到Lambeth。The gay American bishop whose promotion launched the latest round of internecine bitterness was not invited to Lambeth.

我们走着去了兰贝斯区,博佐一瘸一拐地慢慢走,步态怪怪的,像螃蟹那样,有点往一侧歪着。We walked down into Lambeth. Bozo limped slowly, with a queer crablike gait, half sideways, dragging his smashed foot behind him.

兰贝斯男孩被枪杀了六个多星期,在1958年的夏天奥尔福德楼和周围的青年,在伦敦南部的椭圆形区域的俱乐部。Lambeth Boys was shot over six weeks in the summer of 1958 in and around the Alford House, a youth club in the Oval area of South London.

今年7月,本届兰贝斯大会将在英国坎特伯雷举行,这也许是维护这个世界性宗教团体统一的最后机会。In July, a new Lambeth Conference, to be held at Canterbury, in Britain, represents a last chance to keep the worldwide communion together.

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650名主教在出席10年一度的Lambeth会议后,反常的带着自由派和保守派两个阵营间公开的宗派分立回到了各自的教区,而这样的分裂是圣公会在全球范围内都在尽力避免的。The 650-odd bishops who attended the once-a-decade Lambeth conference went home with open schism between the liberal and conservative wings of the worldwide Anglican Communion averted.