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他的诚意是无容置疑的。His sincerity is undoubted.

他的真诚打动了她。His sincerity impressed her.

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他的真率是与生俱来的。His sincerity is born that way.

他的话语气朴拙。His remarks had a ring of sincerity.

我努力付出,真诚相待每个人。I work hard, with sincerity everyone.

人们都真诚地相信这一点。People believed this, in all sincerity.

他不肯来证明了他缺乏诚意。His absence spoke his lack of sincerity.

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诚意为客户提供质优价廉的产品。Sincerity to provide high-quality products.

携手鸿远,真诚永远!Join hands with Hongyuan, sincerity forever.

还是韩进被港务集团的诚意所打动?Or has Hanjin been moved by PSA's sincerity?

无诚意无实力勿扰!Sincerity without power not to interference!

都极言诚信的重要。Speak the importance of sincerity very much.

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她道歉的口气表明了她的诚心。The tone fo apology indicated her sincerity.

不过,他们共同拥有的就是真心诚意。They all have in common, however, sincerity.

他忠于信念,这是毋庸置疑的。The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable.

狂热者的大恶在于他的诚意。The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity.

但是汤婷婷的真诚显而易见,消除了我戒心。But Kingston's sincerity is apparent and disarming.

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苏志燮,话不多却真诚的演员。SoJiSub, the actor with sincerity out of reticence.

归根到底是说话人的真诚。What it comes down to is the sincerity of the sayer.

他的真诚更增加了故事的说服力。His sincerity added much more authority to the story.