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黑暗中呼号散发着诡秘的红光,然后又暗了下来。It glowed redly in the gloom, just for a moment, and then faded.

埃伦的纯洁像草地上狂风吹起的花瓣,带着一抹红色飞舞着飘失在远方。Ellen\'s innocence like petals blowing on grass, dancing redly away.

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我点痣有半个月了,枷已经掉了现在红红的有坑怎么办?I nod mole to have half month, had been cangue dropped red now redly hole does?

艾伦纯洁的感情象散落草地上的花瓣,荆棘中泣血舞蹈的艾伦,诉说她对童贞的坚守。Ellen's innocence like petals blowing on grass, dancing redly away. Crowns of thorns for Ellen's virgin bridehood.

山尼·科里昂的丘比特式的脸庞以及他那因酒而致的显红色的色迷迷的神情使她害怕。但是在过去一周里面她不断挑逗他就是为了这个。Sonny Corleone's heavy Cupid face, redly obscene with winey lust, frightened her, but she had teased him for the past week to just this end.

在衬色方面,咖啡色与印度红的搭配,能够搭配出淳朴而热烈的印度风格,是设计师极力推荐的。In line lubricious respect, coffee and India match redly , can match a honest and enthusiastic India style, stylist is recommended to the utmost.

在衬色方面,咖啡色与印度红的搭配,能够搭配出淳朴而热烈的乡村风格,是设计师极力推荐的。In line lubricious respect, coffee and India match redly , can match a honest and enthusiastic countryside style, stylist is recommended to the utmost.

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底座是木头,漆了大红的生漆,莲花瓣是用绡纱做成的,还在上面镶了几颗小小的琉璃。The base is a wood, painted to deep redly living a paint, lotus petal is make into with the Xiao yarn, still just the top inset a few very small azure stones.

这个监管,除了象化验苏丹红那内部检测能力,更主要的是社会外部监管非常地严密。That this oversees , that inside checks except resembling chemical examination Sudan redly an ability, is that society outside inspection is greatly close more mainly.

抓住顾客心理,起首在卖场上高声播放比来很红或和卖场所作地明星地唱片,来吸收人流。Grasp customer mentality , broadcast first loudly lately very redly on selling field or come attract preparing the gramophone record selling the star who works together, stream of people.