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提利昂数出了六个橡木铁搭扣的箱子。Tyrion counted six, oaken chests with iron hasps.

他们一个个都紧盯着布满铁钉的橡木牢门。All with their eyes intently fastened on the iron-clamped oaken door.

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不过大厅里也有许多门——厚重的橡木门,看起来很安逸。But there were doors in the hall as well—stout oaken comfortable-looking doors.

随着酒在木桶里长时间的陈酿,芳香变得更为复杂多样。With a long time store in the oaken cask, she becomes more complicated and diverse.

屋子中央是一张大橡木桌子,上面摊着几张地图。A large table stood in the center of the room, several maps spread across its oaken surface.

那栋大木门粗糙铁器上的锈垢比这新世界上任何别的东西都显得古老陈旧。The rust onthe heavy metal parts of its oaken door looked more antique than anything else in the New World.

使它那橡木大门上沉重的铁活的斑斑锈痕显得比新大陆的任何陈迹都益发古老。The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the New World.

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他从镜框里拿出他母亲的画像,把它卷了起来,只留下那只镶金边的空框子。Then he took away his mother's portrait, with its oaken frame, leaving the gilt frame from which he took it black and empty.

一霎时,挖开了一块三尺长两尺宽的地面,唐太斯看到了一只橡木钱柜,外面包着一层已被挖破了的铁皮。In an instant a space three feet long by two feet broad was cleared, and Dants could see an oaken coffer, bound with cut steel.

爱尔兰橡香,正得名于赋予其圆熟、微妙橡香的珀里克烟草传统制法――烟草于橡木制的雪利酒桶中,陈化经年。As tradition dictates, the leaf is stored for many years in sherry oak barrels, giving the tobacco it's name and an exquisite mature oaken aroma.

他唱着自己的调调,在一个美丽的橡木男高音的雀斑脸的男孩在他身边用康加舞和铃鼓伴奏,仿佛这是一个充满鼓声音的箱子。He sang his invocations in a beautiful oaken tenor with a freckle-faced boy at his side playing conga and tambourine as if it was a full drum kit.

像素化组合排列的橡木箱看起来似乎是在建筑下方的三个楼层上长出来的,在不同层次产生了的空间连续感。A pixelated assemblage of oaken boxes seems to grow through the three lower floors of the building, generating a spatial continuum throughout the different levels.

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巨大的橡木门没上门闩,里边有个小室,寒气逼人,四周是天然的石灰岩墙壁,上面水珠晶莹透亮。Its massive oaken door stood unbarred. Within was a small chamber, chilly as an icehouse, and walled by Nature with solid limestone that was dewy with a cold sweat.

巨大的橡木门没上门闩,里边有个小室,寒气逼人,四周是天然的石灰岩墙壁,上面水珠晶莹透亮。Its massive oaken door stood unbarred. Within was a small chamber, chilly as an ice-house, and walled by Nature with solid limestone that was dewy with a cold sweat.

新的国王之手坐在一张雕刻成手性的橡木制的宝座上,自从凯冯爵士同意他进驻一间他垂涎已久的办公室后他就制造了这个荒诞的虚荣之物。The new King's Hand was seated on an oaken throne carved in the shape of a hand an absurd vanity his lordship had produced the day Ser Kevan agreed to grant him the office he coveted.