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音乐史学是音乐学的一个分支学科。The music historiography is a branch of musicology.

校定学在音乐学中也扮演着一个重要角色。Stemmatology also plays an important role in musicology.

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故事发生在纽约一所著名的音乐学院里。The story happened in New York a famous musicology courtyard.

从根本上说“音乐学分析”是一种特定的研究方法。Fundamentally speaking, the analysis of musicology is a specific research method.

本文对他的两首新疆舞曲作了音乐学的分析。The paper analyzes two of his Xinjiang dances from the perspective of musicology.

论文的第二部分是对于肖邦第三谐谑曲的音乐学分析。The second part of the paper is the musicology analysis of the third banters tune of Chopin.

而关于演唱方言土音辨正、语言创作特征的抽象总结则具有语言音乐学的意味。In addition, the summary of dialect and the creation of languages has linguistic significance in musicology.

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巴赫金借用音乐学术语“复调”创立了以对话为核心的复调小说理论。Bakhjin used the musicology terminology "polyphony" to establish the Polyphonic Novel Theory with the dialogue.

满族音乐研究的历程,始终沿着民族音乐学在我国传播、发展的踪迹而前行。The research of the Man nationality music has developed along with the progress of Chinese national musicology.

他在艺术史论,音乐学,建筑学和艺术教育专业上有博士授予权。It has the right to confer doctoral degrees in art theory and art history, in musicology , architecture and education.

振兴本土音乐教育不仅仅是音乐学、教育学的问题。The attention to the development local education is not only the musicology or the pedagogics, and also whole society.

舞阳贾湖骨笛发掘出土在考古学和音乐学研究上具有空前的学术价值。The excavation of Jiahu Bone Flute has the unprecedented academic value in the archaeology and the musicology research.

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关于中国传统音乐在二十一世纪的发展与走向,音乐学界曾有多种讨论,各抒己见,莫衷一是。At present, there is a great number of ideas on the development of Chinese traditional music in the field of Musicology.

音乐学有其不同的策略以克服认同的问题,特别是透过比较、风格的分析,和分类的过程。Musicology has different strategies to overcome the problem of identity, especially by comparison, style analysis, and classification procedures.

学科是知识与权力的统一,学科视界下的音乐学体系分析属于元理论研究。Discipline is the unity of knowledge and power. Musicology system evolvement analysis from Disciplinary vision belongs to the study of meta-theory.

本文综合产品设计、音乐学、心理学等相关理论,对产品设计音乐感予以详细探讨。The paper discusses musical kansei in product design amply, based on correlative theories such as product design, musicology and psychology and so on.

另一方面,对称乐学理论的研究成果很少在音高组织等音乐结构的对称性中体现。On the other hand, research achievement on the symmetrical musicology theory is hardly embodied in music structural symmetry such as pitch organization.

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了老年精神音乐学形成的背景,学科研究的对象、范围、方法以及未来发展的趋势。The article dissertated the musicology of geronoto-psychology with its background, research object, methods as well as developing tendency in the future.

目前国内在这个学科领域内已开始广泛地使用音乐图像学、音乐考古学、音乐史学、民俗音乐学等综合性研究方式全面地展开研究。At present, we have widely used many ways to study this subject comprehensively, such as music archaeology, music historiography, folk custom musicology etc.

乐器法是作曲专业“配器”课程教学的重要组成部分,同时,也是音乐学各方向的重要基础课程。Instrumentation is an important part of orchestration education of music composition and is an important basic program of other subspecialties of musicology as well.