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在某个海角,在某处河岸from a promontory, a riverbank

他去河边放松自己。He went to the riverbank to relax.

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船只靠江岸停泊。The boat was moored to the riverbank.

每个人只能投一票。He can slide down a riverbank by himself.

士兵们从河旁丁丁当当地向罐子乱射。The soldiers plinked cans from a riverbank.

他们日夜地呆在河岸上。They stayed on the riverbank day and night.

他的房子在河岸的斜坡上。His house was on the slope of the riverbank.

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深绿的河柳,浅灰的河堤。The dark green willow, light gray riverbank.

我喜欢在河边看风景。I enjoy appreciating scenery by the riverbank.

他边跑近河边,边把衣服脱了下来。He threw off his coat as he neared the riverbank.

成群的鹤从河堤那边飞起来。Flocks of cranes fly up from the further riverbank.

河堤上的马用鼻子轻蹭着粗糙的棉白杨树。Horses nuzzled the rough cottonwoods by the riverbank.

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从舷侧吹过来的风使船斜行到河岸。Broadside winds crabbed the boat close to the riverbank.

该名男子被放入一个木箱上河岸附近的拖船。The man was put into a wooden box on a tugboat near the riverbank.

叫岸上的赫菲斯缇安带所有骑兵到中央来。Find Hephaistion at the riverbank and bring all cavalry to the center.

一群非洲水牛,大约100只,安详地顺着河岸漫步。A herd of about 100 African buffalo meanders quietly along a riverbank.

每天早上他的第一项必修课就是沿着河岸做练习。Every morning the first thing Cheng does is exercise along the riverbank.

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河流卫士通过定期行走一段河流的河岸来看护河流。River guardians look after a river by regularly walking a stretch of riverbank.

河堤便是这样产生的,水道也开始变窄,轮廓更加分明。Thus the riverbank was born and waterways began to get thinner and more defined.

它们一起出发,这次可是兔子扛著乌龟,直到河边。They started off, and this time the hare carried the tortoise till the riverbank.