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本文试图把超越思想理解为尼采哲学的主旨。I think Nietzschean leitmotiv is the transcending thought.

强调的下一步建筑草案是‘在上面干燥’。And the leitmotiv of the next step of the building protocol is 'on top and dry'.

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佛洛伊德要求已经成为最近心理治疗的主旨,或是前提。Freud's demand has become the leitmotiv or basic postulate of all the more recent forms psychotherapy.

在此方案中,可更新能源是主旨,转化为各种象征性的符号贯穿校园始终。Renewable energies become a leitmotiv in the project, translated into symbolic shapes throughout the Campus.

然而,十几年前,我国的建筑施工企业仅仅把它当作一句口号,并加以粗放的管理。However, construction enterprises of our country took this leitmotiv only as a slogan before 1990"s, and manage in a rude way."

“向质量要生存,向管理要效益”是建筑施工企业一贯的主旨。Survival comes from quality and benefit is born from management. This is the everlasting leitmotiv of construction enterprises.

不容置疑的国家发展主要内容应该像拥有一个机械、白板的过去。The unquestionable leitmotiv of the current development of the nation could be summarized as a mechanical tabula rasa of the past.

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旨在解决在演绎数据库中,如何利用递归规则进行递归查询的问题。The leitmotiv is to solve the problem how to make use of recursive rules available to realize recursive query in deductive database.

作为以追求公正为主旨的司法活动,司法回避是其程序公正的重要组成部分。As the first leitmotiv of judicial activities, the judicial challenge system is an important component of procedural justice thereof.

康德先验哲学“哥白尼式革命”的主旨是反实体主义的思维方式,但为一次不成功的尝试。The leitmotiv of Kantian transcendental philosophy's Copernicus style revolution is a mode of thinking of anti-substantialism, but this is an unsuccessful try.

在没有丢失立意主题的情况下,我们十分谨慎的地开发出最多的有效面积。As a result a very functional yet interesting plan was created – we exploited very carefully the maximum available area without losing the leitmotiv of our idea.

农村文化建设的主旨是帮助农民建立积极文明健康的农民公共文化生活,也应该包括农民的闲暇生活。The leitmotiv of rural culture construction is help farmers to set up a positive, civilized and healthy public and cultural of the peasant. It also should include peasants' leisure living.

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好的新闻背景,能烘托和深化主题,帮助读者理解消息的内容,说明原因,显示意义,增加知识性和趣味性。The suitable news background can set off the leitmotiv by contrast and deepen its subject. It can help readers understand the content of news. It can indicate its reasons and presents its meaning.