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用这个溶液涂抹肉瘤。Apply the solution to the wart.

我要买一箱阿诗玛香烟。I wart to buy a carton of ashima.

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管音带能治疗通常的疣。Duct tape can cure the common wart.

这是被喷上的,或者适用于树瘤。This is sprayed on or applied to the wart.

扁平疣常沿抓痕呈串珠状排列。Flat Wart Zhuahen often along with a beaded-like.

微生没有了,疣就渐渐消失了。Robbed of its microbes, the wart gradually vanishes.

青岛男科。尖锐湿疣。性功能障碍。Qingdao andrology. Wet sharp wart. Nature dysfunction.

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尖锐湿疣的具体表现有哪几种?What are the specific performance of acuteness wet wart?

应该指出的是,生殖器疣的迹象似乎没有可能。It should be noted that genital wart signs might not seem.

疣猪31号,准备做最后一趟绕飞。And wart hog three-one, expect possible go-round short final.

你知不知道是什么,寻找一种有效的生殖器疣的待遇?Do you know what to look for in an effective genital wart treatment ?

生殖器疣,最终可能发展肉质,菜花状的外观。Genital wart may eventually develop a fleshy, cauliflower-like appearance.

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你会想要做的就是申请一个小数目,蓖麻油到您的疣。What you will want to do is apply a small amount of castor oil to your wart.

它的特点是见效快,疣体随即就可脱落。It is characterized by quick effect, the body can be immediately off the wart.

确实,我现在正在摸着你的疣子,可难道那不可能是个幻觉?True, I am touching your wart at this moment, but could that not be an illusion?

尖锐湿疣的饮食一定要合理,尽量少吃海鲜类食品。The diet of acuteness wet wart must be reasonable, as far as possible eat less seafood.

几天之后柠檬汁中的柠檬酸就可以完全分解疣。Repeat for several days until the acids in the lemon juice dissolve the wart completely.

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手术结束后,拿液态氮的学生告诉我肉瘤几天后就会脱落。The student with the nitrogen finished up and told me the wart would drop off after a few days.

当时士官长拉开了手雷的保险栓,我则在一辆被掀翻的疣猪号上用M41机枪射击。When Master Chief armed his grenade, I was in the back of an overturned wart hog, firing an M41.

为了最大化此溶液的效力,可涂一些在胶带上,贴到肉瘤上。To maximize the solution’s effect, apply some to a piece of duct tape. Stick the tape on the wart.