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人类的美德与上帝的意愿相符合。And human morality is conformity to his will.

德与法是治国之二柄,两者相辅相成,缺一不可。Morality and law are related with each other.

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我们将会从三个方面学习道德。We're going to deal with three facets of morality.

我不相信道德,我相信尼采。I don't believe in morality. I believe in Nietzsche.

本文对思想品德课教学的相关问题加以论述。This paper talks about morality teaching in middle schools.

外王则是指卓越的“治平”社会功德。Fine morality is preeminent "Governing" society benefaction.

品德能够仅仅在于有勇气作出采选。Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice.

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违背社会公德或者诽谤、侮辱他人的。Breaching the social morality or libeling and insulting others.

做为一个社会公民,就应该知道遵纪守法,遵守社会公德。As a citizen, you should know the law, abide by social morality.

这第三种国民公德涵盖一切私德与公德的所有的方方面面。The last kind covers all aspects of private and public morality.

“史德”论是史学理论中的重要范畴之一。Historian's Morality is one main category of historical theories.

无政府主义反对任何,社会的客观根据和它的道德准则Nihilism rejects any objective basis for society and its morality.

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对他而言,道义和政治统一是密不可分的。For Confucius, morality and political unity were natural bedfellows.

中国伊斯兰教德育的基础是信仰真主。The Islam morality education in China is based on the faith in Allah.

为何公正是道德中最主要,最不可或缺的部分?Why is justice the chief part and the most binding part of our morality?

疳积病是上帝派来教育胃的。Indigestion is charged by the good God with preaching morality to stomachs.

而知识和品德是两回事,没有必然联系。The knowledge and morality are two different things, not necessarily linked.

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官德之所以对社会稳定具有重大作用,是同官德起作用的特点分不开的。Why officer morality has so important function is associated with its trait.

加强官德建设是关乎党风建设的一项重大而紧迫的时代课题。Official morality fostering is an urgent project in Party style construction.

第四部分谈法治与德治统一之实践论。Part Four is about the practice of unifying rule of law and rule of morality.