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第一部分“多样性还是混乱?”The first section, "Diversity or Anomie?"

工业阶级矛盾就是一种反常的症象。Industrial class conflict was a symptom of anomie.

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尽管会带来小小的混乱,但是组织零售业的崛起会给印度人带来生活成本的降低。The rise of organised retail will save Indians money, even if it adds a little anomie.

规模零售业的兴起最终会减少印度人民的开支,尽管也会增加一点混乱。The rise of organised retail will save Indians money, even if it adds a little anomie.

因为中国经历了这种急剧变革,失范是低幸福感的首要可能。As China has undergone such rapid changes, anomie is a prime candidate for lower levels of happiness.

同时,决策权的失范、甚或滥用也到了必须控制的地步。At the same time, the Anomie of decision-making power, or abuse also must be controlled to the point.

毫无疑问,网络对高校学生道德的形成和培养有着积极的意义。But the following negative influence-university on students' Net Moral Anomie can't be ignored either.

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中国传统文化博大精深,它有助于缓解目前的价值失范、道德危机。The board and extensive Chinese traditional culture can relieve the anomie of present value and moral hazard.

随着网络飞速发展,网络道德失范日益成为一个不容忽视的严重问题。With the rapid development of Internet, network and moral anomie is becoming a serious problem can not be ignored.

新闻业内失范现象泛滥,这与和谐社会建构不无抵牾。It is a fact that many anomie phenomenon in the news circle conflict with the construction of a Harmonious Society today.

当代中国社会存在的“道德失范”和“道德困惑”多为道德悖论问题。Nowadays the phenomenon of "moral anomie" and "moral perplexity" which exist in our society mainly belongs to moral paradox.

弱势群体在利益表达的道路上要么做沉默的羔羊,要么被迫采取非常规形式,成为冲撞红线的失范者。The disadvantaged groups have to do Silence of the Lambs, or forced to take unusual forms, as the red line of Anomie collision.

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在道德失范的社会大环境下,社会诚信体系崩溃,司法体系也出现了信用危机。Moral anomie in the social environment, the social credit system breakdown, the judicial system is also confronted with credit crisis.

在此部分内容中,首先介绍了社会学理论体系中的社会失范理论、理性选择理论和社会控制理论。In this part, the author first introduces Social Anomie Theory, Rational Choice Theory and Social Control Theory in Sociological Theory.

然而,现阶段广泛存在的政府失信现象将会造成政府失效乃至政府失败,严重影响政府在公众心目中的形象。However the widely existed governmental credit anomie will lead to government failure and serious influence the image of government in public.

他们常常将目光呆滞,无所事事和颓废视为愤世嫉俗和精疲力竭的社会地位。Nor, any longer, do I except the young, who are often now as glassy-eyed, disengaged and filled with anomie as their cynical and exhausted seniors.

在对两组量化对照频度统计的基础上发现,新闻媒体非规范行为是对当前新闻界种种失范现象的本质归类。The statistical analysis of the frequencies of occurrence between two groups indicates that the news media's irregular performances are a true reflection of the various media anomie.

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列举了图书馆馆长职业道德失范的表现,分析了其产生原因,提出了一些有效措施来解决这一问题。This paper enumerates the expressions of professional moral anomie of the director of the library, analyzes the reasons, and advances some effective measures for solving these problems.

本文以“新闻媒体非规范行为”为考察命题,就传媒失范的表现形式、发生频率、形成原因与危害治理展开深度访谈和问卷调查。This paper discusses the results of an investigation of the news media's irregular performances focusing on the forms, frequencies of occurrence and the underlying causes of the media anomie.