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一种比较下贱的名声不好的夜总会或舞厅。A disreputable or run-down bar or nightclub.

被认为是不名誉的或泼辣的女人。A woman regarded as disreputable or shrewish.

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不要去那种名声不好的娱乐场所。Don't go to the disreputable place of entertainment.

我真正的龌龊动机是想成为第一个作此断言的人。My actual disreputable motive was that I wanted to be the first to call it.

“等等,”玛丽应声说,“我不会因一个人是持不同政见者,就认为他品行不端。I don’t consider a person to be disreputable just because he is a dissenter.

你可以发现多种肮脏,不得体的事物都在港口发生。You find various kinds of disreputable and maybe unseemly things going on there.

你可以发现多种肮脏,不得体的事物都在港口发生。You find various kinds of disreputable and maybe unseemly things going on there.

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男孩离开了她父母的家,因为她已经怀孕了不名誉叫布奇富勒。Mattie leaves her parents' home because she is pregnant by a disreputable man named Butch Fuller.

格列高里·派克扮演乔·布莱德利,一家无名报社记者,运气正每况愈下。Gregory Peck plays Joe Bradley, a disreputable news paper reporter who is largely down on his luck.

一个女人,只有到了一定年龄才有特权穿着这些不大体面睡衣出门走路。One of the privileges of being of a certain age is the wearing of disreputable pajamas, which these are.

在格兰人统治时期的马拉斯代尔,他们对当地原住民达格人的虐待是臭名昭著的。The Gran Protectorate of Malastare was particularly disreputable in its treatment of the indigenous Dug population.

许多名声不好的公司在你访问他们公司网站是窃取个人信息,这样做为什么不好?Many disreputable companies get personal information from your computer when you visit their web site. Why is this bad?

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菲格莱因虽然声名狼藉,愚昧无知,但似乎仍具有贪图活命的单纯本能。But disreputable , illiterate and ignorant though he was, Fegelein seems to have been possessed of a simon-pure instinct for survival.

大多数的爱狗人士大都对幼犬滥育厂里的糟糕状况略有所知,声名狼藉的繁育员和他的不规范的繁育设施。Most dog lovers know about the often horrid conditions of puppy mills, the unregulated breeding facilities owned by disreputable breeders.

山寨总是有点声名狼藉——公司总裁们通常不会颂扬山寨的优点。Imitation has always had a faintly disreputable ring to it — presidents do not normally give speeches extolling the virtues of the copycat.

但是一个真正对新闻自由的测试,则要看我们是否能在一个风评不好的媒体,刊载危及国家利益的报导时为它辩护。The real test of freedom is to defend the right of a disreputable journal to publish something that might compromise the nation's interests.

在线学习者必须要学会避开那些声名狼藉的学校肤浅的承诺,管理他们的工作,利用他们的证书。Online students must learn to dodge the shallow promises of disreputable schools, manage their work, and use their diplomas to their advantage.

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而即使在他们任意胡为的生涯中,人们也并不把他们视为不屑一顾或与之稍打交道就有损自己名声的人。Nor, even in the full career of his reckless life, was he regarded as a personage with whom it was disreputable to traffic, or casually associate.

新闻机构应该谨慎,不要帮助声名狼藉的维基解密网站促进这些机密资料的泄漏。News organizations should be cautioned not to facilitate the leaking of classified documents with this disreputable organization known as WikiLeaks.

大石油公司以及其它大公司也对此游戏感兴趣,争相为声名狼藉的反气候科学公关活动提供资金。Major oil companies and other big corporate interests are also playing this game, and have financed disreputable PR campaigns against climate science.