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恢复给硬币,使币值更高。The resumption of specie payment appreciated the currency.

中方对重启六方会谈持何立场?What is China's stance on the resumption of the Six-Party Talks?

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双方是否会谈及六方会谈复会问题?Will the two sides discuss the resumption of the Six-Party Talks?

单机自发自收串行通信。Since the resumption of spontaneous stand-alone serial communication.

这些声明显示双边治国才能的恢复。These statements indicate a resumption of statesmanship on both sides.

临床观察胃肠功能恢复时间。The resumption of gastrointestinal functions were observed and recorded.

休学或保留学籍、保留入学资格期满不办理复学或入学手续的。Do not go through resumption formalities when the suspension time is expired.

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合理调护,促进痊愈及防止食复。Six, reasonable nursing, promote recovery and prevent resumption of drinking.

以色列领导人呼吁在无前提条件的情况下迅速恢复和谈。The Israeli leader called for a swift resumption of talks without preconditions.

特拉维夫居民约西·奥兰说,这为恢复和平谈判带来了希望。Tel Aviv resident Yossi Oran said it offered hope for a resumption of the peace talks.

与石油资源丰富的利比亚进行贸易和汇款的恢复将是一个可喜的放松。Trade with oil-rich Libya and the resumption of remittances would be a welcome relief.

在五月九日关于此措施的会议恢复时将会有充分的辩论。There will be a plenary debate on the measure come May 9 upon the resumption of session.

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收完组员的作业后,就要去练合唱。Resumption of operations after the team finished, it is necessary to go to choir practice.

尽管如此,对于钢厂复产也不必过分担忧。However, the resumption of production for the steel mills do not have to worry too much also.

利用校验点处所记录的数据,使计算机程序重新执行。The resumption of the execution of a computer program using the data recorded at a checkpoint.

1977年恢复高考后,国家仍然沿袭了这一规定。Resumption of college entrance examination in 1977, the country still adhere to this provision.

该区应重点加强坡耕地的改造与植被恢复工作。The reformation of sloping arable land and the resumption of vegetation should be strengthened.

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反政府武装和政府之间常常相互指责挑起敌意。Both the rebels and the government routinely blame each other for the resumption of hostilities.

仲裁庭也可以自行决定已进行的仲裁程序是否重新进行。The arbitration tribunal shall determine whether the resumption of the procedure may be allowed.

因此该地区生态系统和渔业生产的恢复将是非常困难的。Therefore, the ecosystem in the region and the resumption of the fishery will be very difficult.